Sermon 10/20/13. Sunday morning. - TopicsExpress


Sermon 10/20/13. Sunday morning. Rev. Dr. Phillip A. Lewis Subject: What Kind of Listener are You? Text: Mark 4:1-9 And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:1-9 KJV) Introduction: I had a service contract for my car and the service was supposed to be free. He told me I needed a $150 wheel alignment. I didnt want to pay the money so I didnt hear his explanation. When you dont like the message you have a hard time hearing the speaker has to say. Body: The hard ground are those that dont even come to church. Satan comes and steals the seed. The Stoney ground. When planting a garden, my mother would first remove the rocks. She knew nothing would grow with the rocks. They cant handle rough times. The seeds that fell among the thorns. Putting things before serving God. Football and the like. Obey The Lord. Your flesh still likes the things of this world. If you hang out with it long enough and rub up against it. It with gets to you. The berry bush has thorns. Dont let the berry get you. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 KJV) Some seeds fell on good ground. Accept Gods word and bare fruit. And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. (Mark 4:24 KJV) When you dont put Gods word into practice, your spiritual muscles will atrophy just like physical muscles that dont excise. Close: Take care to put into practice what you learn. When you practice the word, Jesus comes alive in you. Put this principle into practice this week, OBEY! If Jesus is not your Lord, He is not your savior. Let Him call the shots. What kind of soil are you?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:38:45 +0000

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