Sermon Notes: Luke 10:38-42 Our readings have had a theme of - TopicsExpress


Sermon Notes: Luke 10:38-42 Our readings have had a theme of hospitality lately. Hospitality that is tied to a life of faith. Mary and Martha show us how hospitality is expressed in different ways. Martha was doing the traditional tasks - inviting in, preparing a meal, washing, working. But she lost her focus on her guest. Mary gave her full and complete attention to the guest, Jesus. She listened at his feet. Listening is a way of showing hospitality and respect. Today many of us have trouble being good listeners. In counseling, a listening exercise that is very effective involves person #1 talking about an issue, and person #2 listening without interruption, then repeating back what person #1 said. Usually, person #2 experiences a dawning awareness of what the first person is really feeling, that she did not understand before. And person #1 feels like he was really heard. Service projects can be highly task oriented, but how valuable it is to sit down and listen to those being served. Doing this shows that you care about the person. In a recent interview, actor Dustin Hoffman spoke about a realization he had when making the movie Tootsie 30 years ago. Being in the character of a woman who was not highly attractive, he realized that this person was someone he would normally ignore, based on looks, no matter how interesting that person actually was. He regretted ever thinking in this shallow way. He realized his sin. We gather to recognize our distractions, to release them, to focus on our Creator and Redeemer, and to receive his attention, forgiveness and love. It is the better part, and it will not be taken away from you.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 12:46:03 +0000

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