Sermon Title: Understanding The Power Of Dreams - Standing In The - TopicsExpress


Sermon Title: Understanding The Power Of Dreams - Standing In The Gap Scriptural Reference: Ezekiel 22:30-31, Genesis 20:1-7, Ecclesiastes 10:11, Genesis 37:9-10 God is the giver of dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are a media through which God announces His plans, purposes and future occurrences. God always looks for a person who can stand in the gap to pray for the manifestation of His plans and purposes or to avert impending calamity. Standing in the gap or intercession is fervent prayer for the establishment of a specific purpose. Significance Of An Intercessor 1. God is constantly looking or searching for someone who will stand in the gap for a person or group of people (a nation, a family, an institution etc). God looks for someone (an intercessor) who can make a difference by prayer. 2. Without an intercessor or someone to stand in the gap, satanic invasion will occur leading to the destruction of lives and property. 3. If God finds someone who will pray fervently then every calamity will be averted. 4. God will usually speak to us through visions and dreams and show us the faces of people who have been targeted by satan so we can intercede to deliver them. 5. If God gives you a message through a dream and you fail to respond promptly tragedy and irreparable damage will occur. In Genesis 20:1-7, God appeared to King Abimelech in a dream and warned him not to touch Sarah, Abrahams wife even though Abraham lied that Sarah was his sister. God gives us instructions and messages which when adhered to averts death and calamity. When God gives you a dream, He inadvertently has made you an intercessor. It means the manifestation or otherwise of the dream and vision somewhat depends on you. You must be careful who you share your dreams and visions with because it is not everybody who will be happy about them. When God gives you a dream or vision you must guard it with all your heart and work seriously at it.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:15:02 +0000

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