Sermon notes- 11/16/14 Get Back to the Real- Jeremiah - TopicsExpress


Sermon notes- 11/16/14 Get Back to the Real- Jeremiah 6:16 Sometimes we follow the path that we think is best and find ourselves at a fork in the road. We look to the left and look to the right and cant decide which way is best. Solomon said that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of destruction. In our text, Jeremiah pleads with the people to repent to save themselves. He instructed them that they are in great trouble and that there is nowhere to hide. Jeremiah instructed them to ask of the ancient paths and go in the way that is good but the people refused. Doesnt that sound like so many of us today? We have the instructions from God but we choose to do what pleases the flesh. People want what God has to offer us but we do not want God Himself. God will not pour out His blessings if we are not willing to follow Him whole-heartedly. We need to take heed to the words of Jeremiah. We must go back to the old land mark because that is where we first met God. So many of us are missing the mark because we have put away Christian traditions. But now is the time for us to get back to the mark. We must declare that for God we live, and for God we are willing to die. Its time for us to acknowledge that God is the only way. We all must make up our minds to go with God.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:41:50 +0000

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