Servant of God Fr. Fabian Abrantovich MIC 1884-1946 He was born - TopicsExpress


Servant of God Fr. Fabian Abrantovich MIC 1884-1946 He was born on 14th September 1884 in Novogrudok (Belarus). He was educated in a seminary and later in the Theological Academy at St. Petersburg, then in the University of Louvain (Belgium). He earned the degree of Master of Theology and then Doctor of Philosophy. In 1908 he was ordained as priest. He was appointed as professor in the Theological Academy at St. Petersburg, and then chancellor of a newly created theological seminary in the diocese of Minsk. He published some articles in theology. In 1926 he joined the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. In November 1928 he was appointed as Apostolic Administrator for Catholics of Eastern rite in Harbin (Manchuria). There he was in charge of several educational institutions. In 1939 he travelled to Rome and to Poland, which was at that time divided between Germany and the USSR. On his return to Harbin, he was arrested at the newly established Soviet-German border. He was imprisoned in Lviv and Mogilev. He died on 2nd January 1946 in Butyrka prison at Moskow. The faithful of Belarus and other countries cherish the memory of his sanctity. “The first days of April 1940 I spent in Lviv in Zamarstynovskaya prison, in cell number 80, which I shared with Fr. Fabian. Abrantovich. We stayed there together for three days. Once during this time I witnessed him after interrogation. He was badly beaten up, bleeding all over him: [the investigators] put a chair on top of him while he was lying on the ground and trampled on it. Then they kicked him with their feet until he started bleeding. Fr. Abrantovich was unconscious almost all the time because he was severely beaten during the investigations. However when he regained his consciousness, he would immediately start praying and all the other prisoners in the cell would join him…” [Exert from the evidence of the co-prisoners of Fr. Fabian] The prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God Fr. Fabian Abrantovich O God Almighty, Your Son suffered on the Cross and died for the salvation of people. Imitating Him, Your Servant Fr. Fabian Abrantovich loved You from the bottom of his heart, served You faithfully during the persecutions and devoted his life to the Church. Make him known in the assembly of Your blessed, so that the example of his faithfulness and love would shine before the whole world. I pray to You through his intercession, hear my request ………………………………through Christ our Lord. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:16:01 +0000

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