Servants to sons and friends For the children of Israel are - TopicsExpress


Servants to sons and friends For the children of Israel are servants to Me; they are My servants, whom I took out of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord, your God. (Levit. 25:55) They are called servants, as is written, they are My servants, and they are called children, as is written: You are the children of the Lord your God. (Deut. 14:1) For as long as man knows God in a general way, he is called a servant who does as his Master bids him, but has no permission to look into the treasures and the mysteries of His House. When he knows God in a particular way, he is called His beloved child, like the child who is looking at the hidden, at all the mysteries of His House. Though he is called a son, the firstborn son of God, as is written: Israel is My son, My firstborn, (Ex. 4:22) he must not exclude himself from being a servant who serves his Father in everything that glorifies His Father. So should any man be in relation to his father. A child who looks at his secrets and knows the mysteries of his house and strives after them, should be [also] a servant to his father. The strong bonds to our father relates to the world of Atzilut or being born from above by Holy Spirit, for the connection of a child to the parent who shares the same DNA is as close as it gets. Avinu, our father, is repeated in the paragraph 3 times. The relation of a servant to his Master, on the other hand, concerns the lower realms of Beriya, Yetzira, and Asiya or our world, the heavens above where spirits dwell and the atmosphere just outside of where God dwells. Yeshua said we have power and authority in all four. For although a servant may be able to walk through the Holy place, he or she is not given free reign to the family secrets, but a son or daughter own them all. We, as His offspring by Sperm though, want and have access to all the family secrets. We want to know the secrets of the heart of our Father, not those found in books. Oh, that I might KNOW HIM, not about Him in the power of His resurrection. We have access not only to that still small voice, a voice only shared amongst intimate family members, but can go into the Holy Throne room and sit and talk face to face. Being opened to these secrets requires wearing the proper clothing at the proper time. These garments are the precepts and developing His 10 spiritual essence the church hasn’t even heard of let alone teach about how to develop them, which open us up to Gods Will. And these garments need to be worn with kavod and tiferet (honor and beauty), meaning with intent and not just haphazardly dressed by seeing and speaking carnal things you say “amen” to! The Torah says we are God’s firstborn with all that entails because Yeshua is the firstborn from the dead and of MANY brethren. Talk to our Father in Heaven, hallowed be His Name. Ask not what His Kingdom can do for you, but what you can do for His Kingdom. Prophet Joe
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:27:35 +0000

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