Serve the People Programs and NGOs’ Often more than not among - TopicsExpress


Serve the People Programs and NGOs’ Often more than not among ourselves many people are influenced by those communist forces guide to some extent by Mao Zedong in the 60s’ and the 70s’. This was the era of the New Communist Movement[6]. Mainly there is great reference, often uncritically to those programs of the Black Panther Party (BPP). It is often especially those forces who move towards revolutionary politics from transitional, partial petty-bourgeois student backgrounds that engage with this history (with no necessary fault of their own) with little historical context and no summation of the demise of such formations. There is of course plenty that one can get into in regards to this. However let us be very keen in saying that the Serve the People programs of the BPP while initially demonstrating a very key lesson for us, also demonstrated how such basic platforms can easily be the center of outright revisionism and moreso, even the ground for future poverty pimps. The Black Panther Party was first and foremost an attempt to build a Marxist-Leninist Party among the African-American people in the United States. It was at first an attempt to build one in accord with the possible and actual condition for revolution. The Panthers were armed, their first “Serve the People” programs were defending their hood and organizing others in the defense against the pig police. Such work launched the Panthers from small sect in Oakland to national party, it ended up capturing the attentions of thousands. Simultaneously however such instant growth also created the conditions for the BPP to not emerge as a Vanguard Party as rather an organ that held new Vanguard Elements, its instant growth create real contradictions which would inevitably make it quite difficult for the Panthers to consolidate such a position under extreme state repression. As revolutionary leadership was brought under repression, murdered outright and imprisoned, and as split was being drove right into the center of the Party by the Cointelpro, two lines began emerging in distinction to each other. One centered in the work of the emerging military detachment of the Panthers known as the Black Liberation Army (BLA), headquartered in the East coast, while the other centered in the West Coast around the Panther’s ongoing Serve the People programs. . . NGOs’ today have taken up the most vital aspect of that life that was the Survival Programs, and even more some, promote as wide as possible the misconception that the heart of the revolutionary project lays within these programs. What in essence they’ve all done however is become paid staff of the Bourgeoisie among the people, poorly paid staff some if not an executive director, but staff nonetheless. Each grant from a foundation becomes a means and a tool in which one wraps tightly as possible the people to the master’s house, to render their discontent solvable within the confines of bourgeois civil society. The radicals, many who are from the moment they enter a bourgeois university trained in only the skill of this craft, become servile to Capital itself. As it is put by our Indian comrades They trade in people’s dire poverty and secure funds from imperialist donors or individuals abroad by showing the poverty-stricken masses from the Third World. Like parasites they live on funds acquired in the name of the impoverished women, children and disabled people; in the name of development; in the name of empowerment, and so on.[8] Today any radical poised to “serve the people” and fights against the ideologues of revolution merely has to reach out his hand and call on Lord Rockefeller for enough to acquire themselves position and hire a staff willing to allow themselves to conduct social-work for the wages of a subcontractor, their false consciousness being their beautiful soul. Communists struggle against such forces through the advancement of theory, through exposure among the masses of this mechanism, of this dirty trick who has turned “social justice” into nothing more than ragged charity of the bourgeoisie themselves. Communists must serve the people, but the greatest service is first and foremost our real solidarity against every and all forms of oppression, how can that ever be possible under the conditions of pay for the Bourgeoisie? Our “Serve the People” programs must grow from the solidarity that internally manifests among the people, a class conscious and revolutionary people. ~ Neftali, Notes on Mass Line, Communist Organization, and Revolution maosoleum.wordpress/2013/05/28/notes-on-mass-line-communist-organization-and-revolution/
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:06:25 +0000

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