Session 38 (Part One): Leaving the Medusa’s Vault, the party - TopicsExpress


Session 38 (Part One): Leaving the Medusa’s Vault, the party went to the three large mausoleums. Using the central image of the Mocking Medusa, the party arrived at a central tomb. They were standing on the emblem that held openings for the keys they were to find. Moving into a hall next to the entry way, they found a series of murals covering great sea battles. A ghost appeared and challenged them. Since they were not of the blood, the ghost of Pasco Adella asked them three questions the answers to which they could derive from the murals and tombs around them. He gave them ten minutes. Ilmarinen flew to the ceiling to study the murals there, and found the name of Pasco’s flagship; the Harlot. Studying the tombs, Mytonfield realized that Pasco’s first wife died in child birth, and the son she bore died at sea. This allowed the party to answer the three questions, “What was the name of my flagship? How did my first darling wife die? Why is my eldest son’s body not here with us?” Since they had proven themselves scholars, Pasco left them be on condition that they not disturb his loved ones resting places. Moving on the party discovered the tombs of the two warring twins of the Adellas. In each was a reliquary with the little bit that was left of each after they blasted each other. The reliquaries were still hateful toward one another even after all the centuries, and Bonnie and Mytonfield had to return them to their resting places in order to be able to enter the other twin’s tomb without being sick or attacking each other. A third stairway was found that had the three family crests on the inside step. As they approached, four phantom women, mindlessly making enquiries and ignoring answers floated around them. Touching the Daellum symbol, the party descended into the mists and found themselves in a children’s tomb area. Bonnie got bored and began to try and open doors. Proceeding through, the party was attacked by Ice Devils and Bone Devils in a nasty fight in an ice filled room. After that fight, the party found a small chamber with a pit dug in the floor. They found one skull that still had its jawbone and inscribed on it was “Thrasillus Daellum Adella, 921–1018”. Inside was a ruby and a second key past the one they had already obtained. Down the hole they found roughhewn tunnels that were the lair of Lucretia Adella, Cadimus’s sister. Asmodeus made her a vampire, and she was now insane. They found the dead bodies of the shepherd’s wife and son. Lucretia was very stern with the party, thinking they were servants come to help her “son”. Bonnie got tired of her attitude and provoked Lucretia to battle. After the party slew her, they recovered her necklace which was a third of the four required keys to the deep tomb. They also found the shepherd’s daughters, alive but in shock. They took them upstairs and placed them with the secure shelter ‘til the party could leave. This encounter with a stern mother and lifeless child was recognized by Mytonfield as the fifth sign of the hexad. Time was running out. Touching the symbol of the Voxus clan led the party to a chamber with a trapped door. Khavros and Ilmarinen got past the defences, and the party raided a treasure vault. Moving on the third symbol, the party was accompanied by the spirit women this time. They found a large ostentatious tomb for Drusus Sardisi Adella. Next to his sarcophagus was a short, white, painted pillar. Pealing awayt some paint found an inscription like on a tomb. Suspicious, Ilmarinen looked inside with his gloves and found that the fifth sister had sacrificed herself in some bizarre manner. Mytonfield identified it as a terrible rite that created a foul tomb guardian called a nemhain. Leaving Drusus’s sarcophagus be, the party scoured the tomb for some secrte room. One was found and it held a shrine to Drusus’s mundane items. Bonnie went in and looked around, and as Khavros started to tell her it was a trap, it went off. The chain lightning did not kill anyone, but it was annoying. The trap protected some treasure, including a portable hole that held a study inside. Though the books were trashy poetry, there was a note that indicated that the dagger they picked up in the crematorium was in fact the fourth key. With all four keys the party returned to the central chamber and activated the teleportation circle to the lower vault. (To be continued…)
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 20:31:16 +0000

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