Set goal. Accomplish it. Repeat. Folks will tell you you cannot - TopicsExpress


Set goal. Accomplish it. Repeat. Folks will tell you you cannot do things. Find new folks. Surround yourself with people who not only want you to succeed, but will support you and even help you. Even better, find the folks who have done the things you want to do!!! Im not the CrossFit guy who foolishly thinks a 12 minute metcon and few 400 meters sprints will help you run a marathon. Hell, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have blazed thru 4.5 hour marathons without the help of a single metcon. I will never tell you one form of exercise or another is not good for you. OR... that one, when pushed to the extreme, is. Many of us are training for things that are NOT good for us. Excess, whether it be endurance, CrossFit, lifting, bodybuilding or even Yoga can lead to injury. I may give a warning or two and a few more along the way, but instead of telling you not to do something, I will help you achieve your goals as safely and healthily as possible. I like crazy goals. Crazy is relative... bring it to me, Ill help you get it! Folks say you cannot develop endurance and strength concurrently... come to find out, some of the junk folks say is based on their own laziness and lack of will and/or desire to be good at anything but what they enjoy. Last Saturday I ran 7.53 miles in 55 minutes for an easy aerobic session after Deadlifting 455x5, 495x1x2, 515x1, and 495x1x3. I am not a freak or even close to being blessed with good genetics. I just work hard. Thats usually all it takes. There is no magic... the one thing successful people have common to one another is a solid work ethic. From October 2013 to May 2014 I increased my Deadlift by 100lbs from 450 to 550, Squat by 140lbs (445-585), *Bench by 20lbs (315-335), and dropped my 1 mile run time from 6:10 to 5:18. A partial tear to my quad tendon in Nov and a partial tear of a hammie in Jan set me back a bit, but my goals of a 1:1 ration b/tw my dead and 1 mile and then 1:1 ratio b/tw my squat and 1 mile were solidified. I didnt have to adjust my diet much. I just ate the same Paleoish / low to moderate carb way I have for years. I gained only about 5lbs during this time frame. I have Will Kuenzel, Matt Dub, and Scott Dawson of Low Country Strength and my training partners, Melissa Hoff, Andrew Smith, Thomas Rose, Jana Fogleman and Shelby Denton for helping me get my lifts up to respectable weights for a full grown male. *Ef bench press. I just switched gears and began training for the PPD Beach2Battleship Ironman Distance Triathlon and a Powerlifting meet... both in this coming October. My endurance training volume is on the up and my strength work is at a minimum (lots of heavy double and singles and only one or two exercises per session). Ive little room for metcons, or anything that does not directly apply and positively influence training in regards to achieving my goals. One smoker metcon (like the Painstorm 76 on July 4th) and I could need more recovery than I can afford. My training program is based off suggestions and guidance from Alex Viada of Complete Human Performance LLC. Hes the man on the front of concurrent training. My training is also more intuitive than ever... at 38 years, I cant rely on being hard to get thru though training. I listen to my body more than ever. If Im not feeling it on any given day, I dont force it. I just added a session per week on Without Limits Coachings computrainer and Im anxious to all the benefits it will provide. The biggest change to my routine, aside from hours of boring unilateral work (I never said I like endurance training, only that I refuse to suck at it!) and a sore saddle from an unforgiving bike seat, is that I am taking a play from Brian Carrolls 10/20/Life and deloading every third week instead of every third or fourth. My nutrition is changing as I increase my volume of course. My appetite is insane! Ive increased my carbohydrate intake a bit. Still no wheat carbs, but I have started eating rice. I have started using UCANs superstarch for most of my added carbs (~20-50grams per whatever the days training entails). My protein is still ~1gram per lbs of BW a day. Red meat makes up for at least 50% of that. Chicken around 30%, whey and eggs the remainder. Fat varies a bit more... 70-120 grams, maybe more each day. No real reason for the variations other than I dont make fat a priority, I just eat it when it is available. Its a bit of a crazy goal... but at a minimum it is fun to see the reactions I get from racers when I tell them I squat 500 plus and even better... the look lifters faces when I say I am doing an Ironman. My CrossFit friends, well... they just get confused mostly. Ha. The bottom line... you are capable of some crazy sh*t. There folks out there that will say you are crazy for trying. P*ss on em! Because there are also folks who will back you up for just a small taste of your crazy! Go find them. -t.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:13:39 +0000

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