Setting: subway Characters: me and a random stranger dressed - TopicsExpress


Setting: subway Characters: me and a random stranger dressed quite fashionably, the professor type (except drunk), scarf and all Stranger: making farting noises and giving me the middle finger every time I glance in his direction. Me: sitting quietly, looking at my phone and observing my surroundings quite casually. Stranger: youre not as smart as you think you are. Me: oh really? *prolonged eye contact and quizzical expressions exchanged* Stranger: yes, youre like a tiny piece in this universe. You dont know what any of this is about. Me: oh yeah? Maybe thats true.. Stranger: yeah, it is true. Me: well then can you tell me what its about? *prolonged eye contact and varied, inexplicable expressions exchanged* Subway stops. Me: oh this is my stop, i have to go. Stranger: have a good night. This is my life.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:42:43 +0000

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