Setting the stage for forced Ebola quarantines Peter wrote: The - TopicsExpress


Setting the stage for forced Ebola quarantines Peter wrote: The media story about Kaci Hickox disobeying quarantine and travel restrictions is designed to make the public start debating....civil rights vs. public safety. The wording, and the story, is written to lean towards fear, that she is jeapordizing us. And if that public mindset sets in, its a short step to a mass policy that can detain anyone. The governor is taking this case to the courts now, and arguing constitutionality. Precedent will be set. To do mass public detaining, they need to make the criteria to detain as slim as possible, and the risk of exposure as great as possible. First, she had no symptoms and twice tested negative. So anyone within X distance of ebola places is a public risk. As far as how it can be spread....Now CDC says dogs may be able to transmit, while themselves showing no symptoms because they have natural anti-bodies. This means anyone connected to a dog who has been around other dogs who have been near ebola patients, will now put people at risk. Im not saying this is exactly what they will do, but it exemplifies the ease they can take this case, make connections that link anyone to ebola, and recommend quaratine at risk of jail time. LA times just reported california will enforce this policy, as a misdemeanor criminal offense if disobeyed. My comment: It could not possibly be any more obvious that the people running America want either a real pandemic or plausible grounds for fronting a fake one. And despite being totally busted three times - even with Nana Kwames expose, Eric Duncans proven service as regional director of the Peace Corps for Liberia, and the girl saying right to the cameras that Doctor Spencer is NOT the guy they are pushing for the Ebola scam in New York, they are not giving up on this. They are going full steam ahead, truth and exposure be damned. This means there is an agenda with this one that they will not back off on no matter how badly the scam and agenda is exposed. In the past, they would back off. Why is this one different? And why are they still allowing flights to and from the Ebola zones? Why are they now saying Ebola spreads like the flu, and thrives in the cold? What about the dog story? All of it is PATENT B.S., WHY are they not backing off? ANSWER: They are religious zealots with a deadline to meet. Their recent actions proves something is amiss with them, and they are going for broke. Whatever the deadline is, it is now OBVIOUS that they HAVE TO get everyone vaccinated with a shot of dubious origins within a very short time window. The sheer brazen nature of it all proves that this is a do or die situation for them, and it totally discredits the entire Ebola meme. It makes it all obvious THEY WANT THIS, IT IS THEIR BABY and PROOF is in the fact THERE ARE NO HOLDS ON FLIGHTS FROM THE EBOLA ZONE. It is the job of the government to act in the best interests of the nation it serves. When dealing with the safety of its citizens, America is NOT SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT POLITICS IN AFRICA. The fact that flights are continuing unabated means one of two things, either: 1. Ebola is not real at all, and they need a ruse, OR 2. They really want this pandemic to spread as far and as fast as conceivably possible. Either way, they are playing the role of an enemy, AVOID THE SHOT AT ALL COST. Zionists to Bomb Al-Aqsa Mosque; Blame Arabs? Jadinardo wrote: 911 research shows that the World Trade Center was closed and evacuated for a couple of days prior to the September 11th attacks. CIA/Black Ops/Israeli Mossad were planting controlled demolition explosives in the Twin Towers. Today, they closed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. https://vimeo/104761249 tinyurl/qghdzd3 My response: Suspicion warranted. They have the blood moon tetrad as a timeline as far as they see it. People erroneously believe that the blood moon tetrad is doom for Israel. Historically however, it has not always been the case. The blood moon tetrads have been one of two things - either a time of great triumph or a time of disaster for Israel, and nothing else. It is not a static time for them. SO, they probably intend to try to force the issue this time and make it a tetrad of triumph. That is why we have the Ebola scare (real or not) in full swing, lame PR attempts like ISIS, the huge assault on Gaza . . . . . . this could backfire on Israel to an epic degree. So if they wanted to destroy Al Aqusa now is the time as far as they see it. do not see the re-opening of Al Aqsa as any sort of victory, explosives could easily be planted that will be set off at a possibly MUCH later date.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:47:37 +0000

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