Seven Score and Ten The Civil War Sesquicentennial Day by - TopicsExpress


Seven Score and Ten The Civil War Sesquicentennial Day by Day November 29, 1864: The Sand Creek Massacre The New York Times published, some eight months after the incident, the report of the House of Representatives on the massacre of approximately one hundred Cheyenne and Arapaho by U.S. Cavalry under the command of Col.John Chivington. Most of the dead were women and children, and many were mutilated, with soldiers taking trophies of scalps and women’s genitalia. The newspaper summary alludes only to “acts of barbarity”. OUR INDIAN TROUBLES.; Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War on the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians. Published: July 23, 1865 In the House of Representatives, Jan. 10, 1865 on motion of Mr. ORTH: Resolved, That the Committee on the Conduct of the War be required to inquire into and report all the facts connected with the late attack of the Third Regiment of Colorado Volunteers, under Col. CHIVINGTON, on a village of the Cheyenne tribe of Indians, near Fort Lyon. The Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War submit the following report: In the Summer of 1864, Gov. EVANS, of Colorado Territory, as acting Superintendent of Indian Affairs, sent notice to the various bands and tribes of Indians within his jurisdiction, that such as desired to be considered friendly to the whites should at once repair to the nearest military post, in order to be protected from the soldiers who were to take the field against the hostile Indians. About the close of the Summer, some Cheyenne Indians, in the neighborhood of the Smoke Hills, sent word to Major WYNKOOP, the commandant of the post of Fort Lyon, that they had in their possession, and were willing to deliver up, some white captives they had purchased of other Indians. Major WYNKOOP, with a force of over one hundred men, visited those Indians and received the white captives. On his return he was accompanied by a number of the chiefs and leading men of the Indians, whom he had invited to visit Denver, for the purpose of conferring with the authorities there in regard to keeping peace. Among them were Black Kettle and White Antelope, of the Cheyennes, and some other chiefs of the Arapahoes. The council was held, and these chiefs stated that they were friendly to the whites, and always had been, and that they desired peace. Gov. EVANS and Col. CHIVINGTON, the commander of that military district, advised them to repair to Fort Lyon and submit to whatever terms the military commander there might impose. This was done by the Indians, who were treated somewhat as prisoners of war, receiving rations, and being ooliged to remain within certain bounds. All the testimony goes to show that the Indians under the immediate control of BLACK KETTLE and WHITE ANTELOPE, of the Cheyennes, and LEFT HAND, of the Arapahoes, were and had been friendly to the whites, and had not been guilty of any acts of hostility or depredation. The Indian agents, the Indian interpreter and others examined by your committee, all testify to the good character of those Indians. Even Gov. EVANS and Major ANTHONY, though evidently willing to convey to your committee a false impression of the character of those Indians, were forced, in spite of their prevarication, to admit that they knew of nothing they had done which rendered them deserving of punishment. A northern band of the Cheyennes, known as the Dog Soldiers, had been guilty of acts of hostility; but all the testimony goes to prove that they had no connection with BLACK KETTLE’s band, but acted in despite of his authority and influence. BLACK KETTLE and his band denied all connection with or responsibility for the Dog Soldiers, and LEFT HAND and his band of Arapahoes were equally friendly. These Indians, at the suggestion of Gov. EVANS and Col. CHIVINGTON, repaired to Fort Lyon and placed themselves under the protection of Maj. WYNKOOP. They were led to believe that they were regarded in the light of friendly Indians, and would be treated as such so long as they conducted themselves quietly. The treatment extended to those Indians by Major WYNKOOP does not seem to have satisfied those in authority there, and for some cause, which does not appear, he was removed, and Major SCOTT J. ANTHONY was assigned to the command of Fort Lyon; but even Major ANTHONY seems to have found it difficult at first to pursue any different course toward the Indians he found there. They were entirely within the power of the military. Major ANTHONY having demanded their arms, which they surrendered to him, they conducted themselves quietly, and in every way manifested a disposition to remain at peace with the whites. For a time, even, he continued issuing rations to them, as Major WYNKOOP had done; but it was determined by Major ANTHONY (whether upon his own motion or at the suggestion of others does not appear) to pursue a different course toward these friendly Indians. They were called together and told that rations could be no longer issued to them, and they had better go where they could obtain subsistence by hunting. At the suggestion of Major. ANTHONY, (and from one in his position a suggestion was equivalent to a command) these Indians went to a place on Sand Creek, about thirty-five miles from Fort Lyon, and there established their camp, their arms being restored to them. He told them that he then had no authority to make peace with them; but in case he received such authority, he would inform them of it. In his testimony he says: “I told them they might go back to Sand Creek, or between there and the headwaters of the Smoky Hill, and remain there until I received instructions from the department headquarters, from Gen. CURTIS; and that in case I did receive any authority to make peace with them I would go right over and let them know it. I did not state to them that I would give them notice in case we intended to attack them. They went away with that understanding, that in case I received instructions from department headquarters I was to let them know it.” And in order, as it were, to render these Indians less apprehensive of any danger, ONE EYE, a Cheyenne chief, was allowed to remain with them to obtain information for the use of the military authorities. He was employed at $125 a month, and several times brought to Major ANTHONY, at Fort Lyon, information of proposed movements of other and hostile bands. JACK SMITH, a half-breed son of JOHN S. SMITH, an Indian interpreter, employed by the government, was also there for the same purpose. A United States soldier was allowed to remain there, and two days before the massacre, Mr. SMITH, the interpreter, was permitted to go there with goods to trade to the Indians. Everything seemed to have been done to remove from the minds of these Indians any fear of approaching danger; and when Col. CHIVINGTON commenced his movement, he took all the precautions in his power to prevent these Indians learning of his approach. For some days all travel on that route was forcibly stopped by him, not even the mail being allowed to pass. On the morning of Nov. 28, he appeared at Fort Lyon, with over 700 mounted men and two pieces of artillery. One of his first acts was to throw a guard around the post to prevent any one leaving it. At this place Major ANTHONY joined him with 125 men and two pieces of artillery. On the night of the 28th the entire party started from Fort Lyon, and, by a forced march, arrived at the Indian camp, on Sand Creek, shortly after daybreak. This Indian camp consisted of about 100 lodges of Cheyennes, under BLACK KETTLE, and from eight to ten lodges of Arapahoes, under LEFT HAND. It is estimated that each lodge contained five or more persons, and that more than one-half were women and children. Upon observing the approach of the soldiers, BLACK KETTLE, the head chief, ran up to the top of his lodge an American flag, which had been presented to him some years before by Commissioner GREENWOOD, with a small white flag under it, as he had been advised to do in case he met with any troops on the prairies. Mr. SMITH, the interpreter, supposing they might be strange troops, unaware of the character of the Indians encamped there, advanced from his lodge to meet them, but was fired upon, and returned to his lodge. And then the scene of murder and barbarity began — men, women and children were indiscriminately slaughtered. In a few minutes all the Indians were flying over the plain in terror and confusion. A few who endeavored to hide themselves under the bank of the creek were surrounded and shot down in cold blood, offering but feeble resistance. From the sucking babe to the old warrior, all who were overtaken, were deliberately murdered. Not content with killing women and children, who were incapable of offering any resistance, the soldiers indulged in acts of barbarity of the most revolting character; such, it is to be hoped, has never before disgraced the acts of men claiming to be civilized. No attempt was made by the officers to restrain the savage cruelty of the men under their command, but they stood by and witnessed these acts without one word of reproof, if they did not incite their commission. For more than two hours the work of murder and barbarity was continued, until more than one hundred dead bodies, three-fourths of them of women and children, lay on the plain as evidences of the fiendish malignity and cruelty of the officers who had sedulously and carefully plotted the massacre, and of the soldiers who had so faithfully acted out the spirit of their officers. It is difficult to believe that beings in the form of men, and disgracing the uniform of United States soldiers and officers, could commit or countenance the commission of such acts of cruelty and barbarity as are detailed in the testimony, but which your committee will not specify in their report. It is true that there seems to have existed among the people inhabiting that region of country a hostile feeling toward the Indians. Some of the Indians had committed acts of hostility toward the whites; but no effort seems to have been made by the authorities there to prevent these hostilities, other than by the commission of even worse acts. The hatred of the whites to the Indians would seem to have been inflamed and excited to the utmost; the bodies of persons killed at a great distance — whether by the Indians or not is not certain — were brought to the capital of the Territory and exposed to the public gaze, for the purpose of inflaming still more the already excited feeling of the people. Their cupidity was appealed to, for the Governor, in a proclamation, calls upon all, “either individually or in such parties as they may organize,” “to kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians,” authorizing them to “hold to their own private use and benefit all the property of said hostile Indians that they may capture.” What Indians he would ever term friendly it is impossible to tell. His testimony before your committee was characterized by such prevarication and shuffling as has been shown by no witness they have examined during the four years they have been engaged in their investigations; and for the evident purpose of avoiding the admission that he was fully aware that the Indians massacred so brutally at Sand creek were then, and had been, actuated by the most friendly feelings towards the whites, and had done all in their power to restrain those less friendly disposed. The testimony of Major ANTHONY, who succeeded an officer disposed to treat these Indians with justice and humanity, is sufficient of itself to show how unprovoked and unwarranted was this massacre. He testified that he found these Indians in the neighborhood of Fort Lyon when he assumed command of that post; that they professed their friendliness to the whites, and their willingness to do whatever he demanded of them; that they delivered their arms up to him; that they went to and encamped upon the place designated by him; that they gave him information from time to time by acts of hostility which were meditated by other and hostile bands, and in every way conducted themselves properly and peaceably; and yet he says it was fear and not principle which prevented his killing them while they were completely in his power. And when Col. CHIVINGTON appeared at Fort Lyon, on his mission of murder and barbarity, Major ANTHONY made haste to accompany him with men and artillery, although Col. CHIVINGTON had no authority whatever over him. As to Col. CHIVINGTON, your committee can hardly find fitting terms to describe his conduct. Wearing the uniform of the United States, which should be the emblem of justice and humanity; holding the important position of a commander of a military district, and, therefore, having the honor of the government to that extent in his keeping, he deliberately planned and executed a foul and dastardly massacre which would have disgraced the veriest savage among those who were the victims of his cruelty. Having full knowledge of their friendly character, having himself been instrumental, to some extent, in placing them in their condition of fancied security, he took advantage of their inapprehension and defenceless condition to gratify the worst passions that ever cursed the heart of man. It is thought by some that desire for political preferment prompted him to this cowardly act; that he supposed that by pandering to the inflamed passions of an excited population he could recommend himself to their regard and consideration. Others think it was to avoid the being sent where there was more of danger and hard service to be performed; that he was willing to get up a show of hostility on the part of the Indians by committing himself acts which savages themselves would never premeditate. Whatever may have been his motive, it is to be hoped that the authority of this government will never again be disgraced by acts such as he and those acting with him have been guilty of committing. There were hostile Indians not far distant, against which Col. CHIVINGTON could have led the force under his command. Major ANTHONY testifies, that but three or four days’ march from his post were several hundreds of Indians, generally believed to be engaged in acts of hostility toward the whites. And he deliberately testifies that only the fear of them prevented him from killing those who were friendly and entirely within his reach and control. It is true that to reach them required some days of hard marching. It was not to be expected that they could be surprised as easily as those on Sand Creek; and the warriors among them were almost, if not quite, as numerous as the soldiers under the control of Col. CHIVINGTON. Whatever influence this may have had upon Col. CHIVINGTON, the truth is that he surprised and murdered, in cold blood, the unsuspecting men, women and children on Sand Creek, who had every reason to believe they were under the protection of the United States authorities, and then returned to Denver and boasted of the brave deeds he and the men under his command had performed. The Congress of the United States, at its last session, authorized the appointment of a commission to investigate all matters relating to the administration of Indian affairs within the limits of the United States. Your committee most sincerely trust that the result of their inquiry will be the adoption of measures which will render impossible the employment of officers, civil and military, such as have heretofore made the administration of Indian affairs in this country a byword and reproach. In conclusion, your committee are of the opinion that, for the purpose of vindicating the cause of justice and upholding the honor of the nation, prompt and energetic measures should be at once taken to remove from office those who have thus disgraced the government by whom they are employed, and to punish, as their crimes deserve, those who have been guilty of those brutal and cowardly acts. Respectfully submitted, B.F. WADE, Chairman.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:11:02 +0000

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