Seven Score and Ten Years Ago Tomorrow, President Lincoln Gave his - TopicsExpress


Seven Score and Ten Years Ago Tomorrow, President Lincoln Gave his famous Gettysburg Address. Vastly accepted worldwide as one of the most poignant, and concise speeches ever made, along with its eloquence. I personally love the speech, and have actually memorized it over the years, I just cant help but wonder if for one day, Lincoln could return and see the state of That Nation what he would think..and what comments or changes he would make to the speech if delivered today. I revere the speech too much to satirize or lampoon it, I am really being serious here. along with his other great speech, A house divided against itself... can we really say that what we are doing to this country today, whether left, right, middle, far right, far left, or just in a state of placebo apathy, will help it continue to endure, and not perish from the face of the Earth? as a people we have probably not been so divided Ethically, Religiously, Politically or Racially, since the Civil war, or even longer, or maybe ever! Abraham Lincoln, is one figure in history that I would think, or hope that anyone alive today could look back upon and say we at least respected, let alone acknowledge his loyalty and dedication to this nation and the constitution that guided it. Obviously, those from the North revered him, As Did Those who were released from the bonds of Slavery, But even those of the South who were defeated, respected him for his mercy to not take Spoils of War advantages and let those who survived go back to whatever was left, instead of holding them in Prisons as war Criminals and treasonists. Lincoln, unlike most if not all leaders of today, would not say it unless he believed it, and then he would follow through to his word. Maybe we cant fix that in todays world, But we can do so much more in the vein of his spirit. A Rebirth Of Freedom, what does that mean today? maybe letting each other live and let Live on issues that do not really matter, and as AMERICANS, One and all, Focus on Strengthening our Constitution, Not weakening it, every time a special interest group has a gripe. It really is Simple, Love Who you want, Worship who you want, or worship no one if that is what you believe, accept that no matter how much you are in touch with things, that unless you walk a mile in anothers shoes, or see the world through their eyes you can not truly know how they feel or why, and Everyone, and I mean everyone, respect everyone elses rights to do those things, and to those who do those things, Do them because it is who you are and what you believe, Not because you need to be heard, or want to rub it in anothers face. that is not what Freedom and Liberty are all about. The way to do this is simple: As far as possible strive to be on good terms with others, and do not try to impose your morals on them, However, do not let others impose on you. Finances, taxes, and daily issues will come and go. but as a people, as a nation, As the Greatest Nation ever, we owe it to ourselves and our children to leave it better than we found it. Not one of us will be here when this speech will mark its 300th anniversary, but we must rededicate ourselves to the Proposition that the Nation MUST Endure!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:35:59 +0000

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