Seven hours ago, I communicated with our campaign, Ugbo was - TopicsExpress


Seven hours ago, I communicated with our campaign, Ugbo was upbeat. And I concluded there was still air left to carry us forward in his cause for a better Cross River but God had a different plan. Good Afternoon Friends. Just moments ago, I exchanged words of hope with my dear friends and brother Professor Matthew Okiri in the Netherlands and Inok Solomon, two key insiders to Senator Ayades campaign and congratulated them on what is officially the status-quo of a new dawn for our belove Cross River under the hopeful leadership of our next Governor -Senator Benedict Ayade. And I promised them I wouldnt call them to disturb them but extend a hand of continuous friendship. Because I yield to the American Democratic Culture which I was trained in politically, I look to its history as an example during the course of my campaign for Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo. More than a century plus ago, an American Senators -Stephen Douglas said to Abraham Lincoln, who had defeated him for the presidency, Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. Im with you, Mr president, and God bless you. To Senator Ayade and his team of supporters, in that same spirit, I say what remains of partisan rancour must now be put aside between us, I offer to meet if so choiced soon for possible handshakes so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we have just passed, and may God bless Senator Ayade for his stewardship of Cross River State that lies ahead with him as the Pilot. Neither Senator Ayade and his supporters nor Barr Ugbo & his supporters -leading the charge for mobilization Barr Dorncklaimz Enamhe on the Ugbo team anticipated this difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to end in the manner it did. Yet it came, and now it has ended, we resolved to put any infighting behind, as it must be resolved to be behind us, for the sake of our growing institutions of our democracy that we hope to enhance further in brotherhood. In one of Americas great law schools library seat an inscribed motto, Not under man but under God and law -God spoke to Ugbo’s heart and in the process a decision for the interest of the party in dire need of peace, unity and cohesion -especially at this critical point brought our campaign to an end. As a loyal and committed party man, Ugbo continue to place premium on the interest and success of the PDP where he remains a key stakeholder” over personal interest. Using Americas honored tradition of freedom, the source of American democratic liberties, Ive tried to make it my guide throughout this campaign contest in my independent deliberations on all the complex issues of the past four months in my support for Ugbo. Let there be no doubts, while I may strongly disagree with the manner in which the consensus decision was reached by party leadership before the start of election, I accept the verdict. I accept the finality of this outcome by Ugbo and his support to Senator Ayade which will be ratified next -in a few hours by the electoral delegates of the PDP. And today on behalf of Cross River, for the sake of our unity as a peaceful people and the strength of the democracy we hope to build, I offer to end campaigning for Ugbo. What the future holds is only left to God. Let me also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor Senator Ayade as the flag beerer, governor in waiting, and do everything possible to help him bring Cross Riverians together in fulfilment of his vision that will define and affirm the forward surge of our state in defense of the ordinary person. Let me say how grateful I am to all those who supported Ugbo as they followed my writings and supported the cause for which Ugbo have fought so hard in this campaign. I know Ugbo will be fine; my friend Barr Enamhe, I say well done for your hard work, and I feel a deep gratitude to all the many supporters whom I cannot mention but who brought passion and high purpose to a partnership with Ugbo, not just for his campaign but for our State. It has been an extraordinary campaign season. But in one of Gods unforeseen paths in our lifes, this impasse of a campaign can point us all to a new common destination, its very close nature amongst all the candidates can serve to remind us that we are but one people with a shared history and a shared destiny for Cross River. Indeed, that history gives our people many examples of contests, as fiercely fought in battlefield, in traditional festivals, sports stadiums, working environments, and now in the political arena with its own challenges on the consensus will of party elders. Disputes maybe dragged on for a time period during negotiations before reaching resolution. And in each cases, both the victor and the vanquished must accept peaceful result for the sole purpose of reconciliation. So let it be with us that any dissemination of bitterness be dropped. While I recognize many of Ugbo’s supporters are disappointed, even me inclusive too, our disappointment must be overcome by our love of for Cross River. And I say to all Cross Riverians of the world community, let no one see this contest as a sign of Nigeria or Cross River democratic weakness. The strength of our democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome over a prolonged period of disagreements on the Democratic Process. Though people may have expressed concerns on the unusual nature of this selection process, wondering if it might hamper the next Governor in the conduct of his office, I do not believe it needs to be so when our support is available in the interest of Cross River. Let us be at the disposal of Senator Ayade and I particularly urge all who stood with Ugbo to unite behind our next Governor. This is Cross River and it is all we have got for our children. We had fought very hard when the stakes were high, we must close ranks and come together now that the contest is done. Though time will avail us enough debate on our continuing differences, this is the time to recognise that which unites us is greater than that which divides us as Cross Riverians. In as much as we yet hold and do not give up our opposing beliefs, there is a higher purpose than the one we owe to personalities, political godfathers, and our political parties. We must put Cross River before any individual, I believe Ugbo will want us to do so. We will stand together behind our hopeful new Governor come May 29th, 2015 in the person of Senator Ayade. As for what Peter Offem Ubi will do next, I dont know the answer to that one yet. Like many of you, Im looking forward to spending the Christmas holidays with my family as I travel into Nigeria, possibly see new friends I have made during the course of this campaign, and old friends who encouraged me along the way. I know Ill spend my time for sure with my father Chief Offem Ubi Ebri in Ugep. So for me this campaign ends as it began -with the love of Cross River in my heart; with faith in God and in Ugbo whom I have been so proud to serve volunteering without been asked; finally, with gratitude to the truly tireless campaign team I have come to know from a distance -the political struggle for Ugbo is over and I turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all Cross Riverians and for those downtrodden who looked to the politicians for leadership in the cause of democratic dividends and shared prosperity. I love Cross River -our beautiful paradise state! And now, my friends, our supporters, its time for me to go and time for us to aline. Thank you, God bless you, God bless Ugbo, and God bless Cross River.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:59:17 +0000

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