Seven months ago today it all started when Mom slipped in the - TopicsExpress


Seven months ago today it all started when Mom slipped in the shower at my house in Nashville, and I insisted she go to the ER to be checked. A routine CAT scan at the ER found the brain tumor, which was a miracle in itself since she had exhibited no symptoms. Seven months ago right now, this hour, we were in the ER at Summit Medical Center in Hermitage, on the eastern edge of Nashville, and all I can say is Im so glad I couldnt see what was ahead! Im glad I didnt know she had just over six months to live, and all that would happen in between Sept. 23 and April 5, when she went to be with the Lord. Ive been thinking about doing this for several days, and now seems a good time to start, being the seven-month anniversary of when it all started. Ive mentioned many times that we had SO many angels who did more for us than we ever could have imagined, and continue to do so much for me! What Im going to do is randomly salute our angels. I dont want to embarrass anybody, but I definitely want to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of our angels - publicly! (Im working on private thank-you notes as well!) Each one will be chosen at random, and I might not necessarily do a salute every day, but will keep it up regularly, at least. Todays angel is a dear friend whos been in Moms life for as long as I can remember, literally. They were members of the same church and Sunday school class, and were very active in their circle (womens group at church) over the years. They also played bridge together, going back to when her kids and I were little, and later on, they also taught school together before both of them retired. Todays angel Im saluting is Eleanor Veronee (mother of Ken Veronee)! This dear lady sent more cards and notes to Nashville after Moms medical crisis started than everybody else combined, I think! And when she learned that our moving day was March 4, she promised she would be at the Presbyterian Home to visit Mom on March 5, and sure enough, she was! I was in Moms room the next morning and who should walk in but the Veronees! I think they went to see Mom every day that they were in town, or close to it! The last month of Moms life was made SO much better by Eleanor and Maurices presence! And the day Mom went to be with the Lord, Eleanor was the first non-family member (I shouldnt say that - she has been like family for decades!) I called. As always, she asked what she could do for me, so I asked her to notify people from church, school, and bridge. She picked up her phone and went to work! Within a short amount of time, she had called a lot of people, saving me a lot of time and work! She even called our minister, Bob Howell, from Bethany United Methodist Church, I learned when he called me later that day. In the time Ive been here, shes treated me to a meal out a few times, once including my aunt, another of my angels, who came the day after losing Mom. And I have plans to see the Veronees again tomorrow afternoon - to meet their newest cat! Did I mention that Eleanor is a cat person, like me? She came in the house to meet Mitzi one time not long after I got to Summerville. She has three beautiful cats herself, and Ive met Beresford (and he promptly scratched me!) and Morgan (who looks a lot like my late Ashley!), but never have seen Sparky. I will see this beautiful cat tomorrow, and get to spend more time with these dear people! Thank you, Eleanor Veronee, for being one of our angels, and I know Mom would absolutely approve of you being the first one I salute!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 00:52:44 +0000

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