Seven steps to stick to your New Years’ resolutions by Liberty - TopicsExpress


Seven steps to stick to your New Years’ resolutions by Liberty Medical Scheme Published: January 14th, 2014 Instead of overwhelming yourself with resolutions in the New Year and then falling off the bandwagon too early, let 2014 be the year in which they stick. Andrew Edwards, Executive Principal Officer of Liberty Medical Scheme and fitness expert, Lisa Raleigh, outline seven ways to get the most out of 2014. Get specific Abstract goals are hard to reach – a step-by-step guide is what will get you there. Decide what your goals are, whether they are to lose weight, explore a hobby or spend more time with family; then, write them down and decide on practical ways to start implementing them. “For example, deciding to lose weight gained during the festive season is great, but depending on your personal circumstances, you then need to commit to, for example, two strength sessions and at least an hour of cardio a week to get you there,” says Raleigh. Check your scheme benefits Read up about what benefits your medical scheme offers so that you can maximise your cover. “Find out at the beginning of the year what tests you should do to prevent falling seriously ill later on in the year and exhausting your benefits,” says Edwards “At Liberty Medical Scheme, for example, on most plans we cover preventative tests and screenings, putting you on the right foot from the get go.” Make it a date Exercise is an important element of staying fit – both mentally and physically. But often life simply gets in the way of a healthy exercise regime. “If something really is important to you, pencil it in,” explains Raleigh. “Rather than thinking ‘I’ll try exercise today’, prioritize it with your other non-negotiables. Exercise sessions need to be scheduled just like every other appointment.” Homemade is best Preparing your own meals is one of the best opportunities for saving money and making healthier food choices, says Raleigh. “Make meals in bulk if you’re short on time: savoury mince, a roast chicken or one pot dishes like stews and curries all extend well past just one serving. You then have the power to swap your oil, processed ingredients and refined carbohydrates and fats for healthier alternatives, adding in fresh ingredients as well.” Raleigh also suggests cleaning out your cupboards and restocking your kitchen with only user-friendly, healthy ingredients. Take up a new sport It may seem daunting, but try out a new adventure sport. Not only will it provide a good physical work out, but mental too. Whether it’s mountain biking, touch rugby or diving, make sure though that your medical scheme covers any injuries inflicted from professional or extreme sports. “At Liberty Medical Scheme, these are covered within the benefits of the scheme, meaning you can be adventurous and rest assured you’ll get the best treatment should you need it,” says Edwards. Unplug and unwind Our reliance on multiple electronic devices means we are on call every waking moment. “Not only can this amplify existing stress, it can prevent us from being fully present in other tasks, and affect our quality of sleep,” says Raleigh. “If regular breaks from your devices are impossible, try a wind down routine before bed.” She suggests switching off all TVs and laptops at least an hour before sleep, keeping light levels low and warm in colour.” Bring back the balance Eating, exercising, sleeping and relaxing are all essential for beating stress and staying healthy. “Starting off the year on a healthy footing means fewer doctors’ visits and less chance of depleting your medical savings before the end of the year,” says Edwards. “Choosing a medical scheme that empowers you to manage your health properly is one step closer to making sure you stick to your resolutions.”
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:44:58 +0000

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