Several Months Ago OB Sisay Told The World What President Koromas - TopicsExpress


Several Months Ago OB Sisay Told The World What President Koromas Government Should Have Done To Stop Ebola. On May 30th Senesie Jannie Tarawally told our government to act decisively to save our nation. THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENT KOROMAS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE DONE WHEN THEY HEARD OF EBOLA IN OUR MIDST!!!! BUT The Government was slow to respond to what is clearly the greatest and most deadly Public Health Emergency Sierra Leone has ever faced. The scourge of Ebola is not a new phenomenon; its devastation in other parts of the continent of Africa is well documented. We were given advance warning with well reported instances of the outbreak in Guinea and Liberia. Our Ministry of Health had sufficient time to draw up an “effective” Containment & Control strategy and yet there is no evidence of any serious efforts to do a risk assessment of the threat Ebola posed to our communities living close to the border with Liberia and Guinea. Indeed, the early months of the Ebola menace were characterised by numerous efforts by the government’s propaganda machine to play down the threat posed to our citizens. This politically motivated strategy helped exacerbate the panic and confusion as citizens slowly began to realise the clear and imminent deadly threat Ebola posed to their lives. When a Government is incompetent, dysfunctional, inefficient and corrupt there is no doubt that it will be incapable of creating or designing innovative and effective solutions to solve the problems our society faces. A broken government lacking discipline and professionalism is simply incapable of providing incentives for its over-bloated bureaucracy to meet critical challenges. We cannot afford to give President Koroma a blank cheque. If we continue to regard scrutiny and accountability as unpatriotic acts, then as a nation we are heading for catastrophe. We must hold our government accountable for what it does, and what it doesn’t do in our name. Even when we are facing our greatest challenge, with more and more people dying, collective unity of purpose (in defeating the Ebola menace) is not mutually exclusive with our patriotic duty to hold our government to account. The Big questions about how this Ebola menace has ravaged our country cannot wait or be deferred to a later date. We need answers now! We need to understand what went wrong now! Tomorrow will be too late; the business of government is always far too busy to set aside a special date. There will always be another event to deal with. If we don’t learn the lessons now, we will inevitably repeat the cycle of unbearable misery again, and again, and again. When the centre can not hold, things will fall apart. It is the lack of moral leadership that has created the frustration, anarchy, insults and infighting that is dividing our country. So if you are not prepared to do your job then it is time for you to go!! Your job is to lead. Your job is to be accountable. Your job is to provide a consistent message for our people. Your job is to provide alternative credible solutions to your failed agenda. A very simple task, if you can not do it, please go!! We have a failure of leadership. Those who have been entrusted with leadership in our country are failing to faithfully exercise discharge their duties. So you are leaving us with nowhere to go but to fight, shout and scream because where the centre can not hold, things fall apart. In the name of God, please find a place in your heart to apologise to the nation for your miserable failure. Thank you. Blamas Finest, The Man Who Conjures Something Out Of Nothing!!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:04:57 +0000

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