Several book authors are on tonight talking about the origins of - TopicsExpress


Several book authors are on tonight talking about the origins of Islam. 🔹Shadi Hamid gets asked a question about isolating Muslims. Cultural attitudes, politics, etc. causing a divide through blasphemy. 🔹Islamic violence, with Islamic peace...Reza Aslan identity crisis, antiIslamic sentiment leading to a rise of neo-Neo-fascist. Professor UC Riverside Argument, middle ground coming from European-Muslims must stand. 🔹The people who believe they are doing good things are believing their good Muslims. said by someone. collective view all religions have good and bad. Its not us verses them. Radicalism needs addressing as all Islam countries face a small majority of radicals. Michael Hanna Century Foundation 🔹 Laws need to be made. Its not a curtail necessary of free speech, but Muslims arw sensitive of their prophet Muhammad (pbuh) people need to be respectful in this matter. Will McCants author Jihadist verses ISIS verses brotherhood when we gro yu p them together. Make an effort to understand Islam, but people are judging. Charlie asks where is the violence in the Quran, but as we know its construde only ment in one way. All religions does this, its not just Muslims using scriptures for their goal. Islam is also responsible for the good things if someone wants to claim Islam brings violence. ISIS arw attacking Muslims, what dies this say about Islam, not that much. It shows how one reconcile their beliefs in todays time. Political context to understand ISIS establishment in Syria factors contribute. Various speakers came on Charlie Rose to discuss this matter. This is a must watch special. WahabiIslam vs ISIS practice Saud Arabia is to answer. Interpretation varies of Islam. Will McCants, Wahabi is more violent practice. You try reporting on an Android phone this special.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:26:04 +0000

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