Several.people have asked for my testimony recently so I am going - TopicsExpress


Several.people have asked for my testimony recently so I am going to post it tonight. Please feel free to share it. My goal is to change as any lives as possible. This is just the beginning. This is in no way claiming that Plexus has cured or healed any of my health ailments. The products have gotten my body in balance and working the way God intended it to which in turn caused improvements in my health. It is important to remember that everyone with Crains disease or Colitis is different. I can tell you exactly what I take and when I take it but that regimen may not have the same results for everyone. I think it will be trial and error for everyone and each person needs to gradually introduce the products. Start with one product at a time and gradually increase the dosage. For example, start Probio5 with one capsule at night for 3 or 4 days then two for 3 or 4 days etc. Until they find what works best for them. I currently take 4 at night, but that may not be the dosage that works for everyone with the same health problems. My Plexus journey began mid April of 2011. I had decided at the end of 2010 that I needed to lose weight before a trip that we would be leaving for on May 19th. I started dieting and working out several days a week in January and by mid April had lost 18 lbs and plateaued. Someone told me about the slim and accelerator and the weight loss results that people were having. I had no idea of the health benefits at the time. I had a struggled with Crohns disease for 20 years and Intercystital Cystitis for 5 years. I lived sick and in pain in addition to being 150 lbs overweight thanks to 20 years of steroids and other prescription medications. I suffered with everything from extremely high liver enzymes from taking 30 to 40 prescription pills a day at times to chronic hives 4 to 5 times a day which doctors explained as my immune system attacking my body. I lived with constant pain on my lower right side and a knot the size of a golf ball in my right side due to constant inflammation. No matter what I ate, it made me sick to my stomach. My was always totally exhausted because these health problems were draining my body. Imagine living everyday of your life with a terrible stomach virus and add content pain and exhaustion. That was my life. Within days of starting the products, I actually not only started feeling better and had energy, but I had a huge reduction in pain. I wanted to know about these amazing products, so I found a local meeting to attend. They first told me that I needed to add the Probio5 and BioCleanse. I had been on various probiotics for 20 years so had no problem switching that, but the last thing that I needed was a cleanse. I gradually introduced both products. Not only were the health benefits amazing, but I was feeling like a new person. The BioCleanse actually regulated me after 20 years of looking for the nearest bathroom before I could eat. My energy soared. The weight was literally falling off because my liver actually started working and my body was working raw way it was supposed to. I gradually weaned myself off of all of the prescription medications except for three pills. One of those was blood pressure medication which was cut in half. I left for our cruise on May 19th, 2011 50 lbs lighter and feeling great. I actually dropped a size on the 12 day cruise. How many people can say that? I left my prescription antihistamines and Ambien at home by accident. I quickly realized that my hives were gone and I could sleep at night without relying on a pill. My liver enzymes were tested every three months. The first blood work they dropped a great deal and at the six month mark, my liber was working perfectly. My Crohns disease has been in remission for a little over three years with no prescription medications. I have had two cystitis flares both brought on by trips that I drank less water and wasnt getting the rest that my body needed. My liver enzymes are still perfect. My cholesterol is down 100 points. My blood pressure is lower. I work out 4 to 5 times a week. I never imagined that I would have the energy or lack of pain to do that. I also have heel spurs so extreme that they have broken up up and embedded into my Achilles tendons. I foot specialist looked at my x-rays and told told me that I shouldnt even be able to walk much less work with a trainer and do Zumba without excruciating pain. I am virtually pain free. All I can say is that this is by the grace of God and these amazing products that he placed in my life life to get get my body in balance balance and healthy. Within 6 months, I had lost 87 lbs. I am a still gradually losing and thanks to the new Boost have lost 110 lbs. The weight loss is is a blessing, but regaining my health health and health and life health and life is health and life is a health and life is a true God send. I started with just Slim and Accelerator. I added BioCleanse and Probio5 two weeks later and have added each of the other products as they were released. Like I said at the beginning, it will be trial and error with each person to see which products to take, how to take them and what do age to take. I suggest that each person introduce one product at a time gradually. Start with one a day for a few days then two a day for a few days etc. Until they find what works for them. This will give their body tome to adjust to the products and give them adjust chance to know which products are helping which problem. Feel free to send anyone with these illnesses to me. I would be glad to speak to them and answer questions.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:17:40 +0000

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