Several people have asked for timeline notes so here they are to - TopicsExpress


Several people have asked for timeline notes so here they are to the best of my recollection. (Some details have been removed for the safety of the children.) Golytely= a hospital grade laxative. When given to the girls they receive this 24 hours a day and receive little to no nutrition. (No food) March 6, 7, 8, 9, golytely (Hannah Diegel) March 10th 11th 12th formula (Hannah Diegel) Called Gi on 3-12 made x ray appt for next day (Hannah Diegel) March 13th KUB x ray (Hannah Diegel) March 14th 1st call I am told there is a moderate bowel impaction (by one of Dr. Siaws new medical assistants or nurses?) 2nd call Dr Pasternak’s office calls to tell me there is moderate stool burden I am told to continue to give golytley for 4 more days and follow up with/call Dr. Siaw first thing on Monday. I clearly express I will be completely out of golytely. (Hannah Diegel) March 13,14,15,16 Golytely (Hannah Diegel) Monday the 17th I waited for a phone call I had left many significant messages with the GI office I talked to somebody on the phone about the importance of Hannahs stooling issues/ complications. I talked about how the message needed to be passed on to him. All stooling issues documented on nursing notes. (Hannah Diegel) March 18-21st I waited and called GI office. No calls were received. (Hannah diegel) March 18?19th?-21st (afternoon) Hannah Bio behavioral unit PCH hospitalized for being suicidal (per recommendation of therapist and substitute developmental pediatrician regular one out of town)** Despite special therapies, high needs case manager and a referral that was put in for behavioral therapy because of increasing needs Hannahs increasing health problems were proving to be very challenging and she had just recently had thoughts of suicide. I believe this is all in part of her chronic pain not being addressed and her starving to death no nutrition GI doctor was not doing his job! (Hannah Diegel) March 21st I call and asked to speak to the office manager who is out for the day so I spoke to the scheduling manager. I told her the situation and that I no longer wanted Siaw as a Gi doctor for both of my girls. He is not returning calls and is not following my daughters appropriately and that is not safe she is having complications and her needs are not being met. She is on a hospital grade laxative that usually requires an IV and did 8 days of it and still is not stooling correctly. This is not safe. She told me she would inform the office manager because they work very closely together and they would work on it. Hannah and Kayla diegel I called again on Monday the 24th the manager still did not return my call. I have two voice messages from the 26th. She expressed concern and tried to tell me I couldn’t switch at first. I said I know my patients rights and know I am allowed to switch at least once that is PCH’s policy. (Hannahs) surgeon who was out of town said he would email to have me switch to a new GI that he would recommend. The manager was then waiting on that email. (Hannah Diegel) March 24th-April 8th Hospitalized with golyely treatment minimal nutrition and support. (Hannah Diegel) On 3-24-2014 Hannah was admitted to the hospital with such a severe impaction that her large and small intestine was impacted to the point that her stomach contents were actually flowing out the wrong way. Also documented by home health nurse and witnessed. 4-2 Kayla enters hospital. Golyely treatment is started. Kayla diegel 4-8- 2014 Hannah taken directly from PCH (Phoenix Children’s Hospital) 4-10-2014 Kayla taken directly from PCH (Phoenix Children’s Hospital) There are laws that need to be followed after a child is removed by Child Protective Services. I have learned that now. Before a child is removed from the home reasonable efforts need to have been made. Unless the child is in imminent danger. No reasonable efforts were made. If the child was technically being abused criminal charges should have been pressed against us the parents. One of the rules in the state of Arizona is that I am supposed to receive in writing 24 hours after the hearing is filed when and where our hearing is supposed to be held at. That did not happen. I did not get to see my children until 23 days after they were initially taken even though the judge ordered at the initial hearing for 2 hour supervised visits which were often 1 hour long with siblings separated. 4-17 court hearing, verbal gag order was given 4-25 I was reminded by my lawyer “CPS has been monitoring the face book and web pages and has asked that I remind you of the court’s order for not disclosing information in contradiction to the court order.” 5-1 First visit with Kayla and Hannah we were told they are no longer allowed to see each other because Kayla was bullying her sister (something that did not happen at home) 2 hour visit each separately Recording of of being forced to sign “the Visitation Guidelines for parents” 5-2 postmarked written gag order came in mail 5-7 Kayla visit is supposed to be “a minimum of 2 hours 1 X a week” we received only 1 hour long 5-9 Hannahs visit only 1 hour long not honoring judge’s visitation “a minimum of 2 hours 1 X a week” Hannah informs us there are many cockroaches in her backyard. She poured water on them and they came running out of the hole and she screamed there were so many. She climbed up high and was afraid to get down. Hannah tells mom they are going to remove her g-tube. And that she can’t ever use her wheelchair again. 5-12 Hannahs visit 1 hour Hannah informed us there were cockroaches in her bedroom the laundry room and kitchen. She also said they make her wear underwear at night. She has incontinence (she has worn diapers her whole life.) She said she would wake up sometimes to go to the bathroom but mostly wakes up wet. Hannah tells us she was punished for telling us that they are going to remove her g-tube. 5-15 Kayla’s visit 1 hour 5-16 Lawyers informed me that the attorney general came to visit him and since my girls have been taken they had been doing inappropriate stuff to each other and that a criminal forensic investigator would be hired to interrogate them. (They had only seen each other twice as far as I know) (It was a threat to shut up and shut this page down) 5-21 visits threatened to be stopped CPS case aide 5-22 Kayla and Hannah are now able to be together??? 2 hour visits now. But mom is told she has 2 warnings 1 for going to the bathroom at the same time as Hannah last week (we have a male cps worker) and 2 for whispering to Kayla. I was told if I get a third strike that would be the last time I would see them. Hannah’s asthma is activated. Hannah seems to have lost a lot of weight. 5-29 Kayla and Hannah 2 hour visit Kayla informs mom that she is afraid of GI doctor and what he is going to do to her body. He is stopping feeds (currently on 12 hours a day) and says he wants to take out her feeding tube. Hannah’s asthma continues to be activated. 5-29 Hannah informs mom they are trying to make her drink miralax (a laxative) in order to treat her bowel impactions and not use her tube she would have to drink the laxatives or swallow them. All medical records show this did not work in the past and that the quantity she required was too large. Also just recently from March 6th –April 6th it took nearly 22 solid days 24 hours a day of a laxative to treat her last bowel impaction (8 days of it at home.) Kayla says she does not feel well. 6-5 Kayla and Hannah 2 hour visit Hannah is visibly extra hyper and has gained a little bit of weight. Hannah’s asthma seems to be better under control but I can still hear wheezing. I noticed Kayla rubbing her muscles throughout almost the entire visit especially her legs (something she does when she is in pain.) Hannah says she is afraid to tell the nurses that she needs her feeding tube button changed. The aide hears her telling me this. I encouraged her to use her words to tell them. Kayla says she does not feel good. Again, when you read this you have to understand when all is said and done in a 30 day period Hannah starved for 22 days because the GI dr. did not do his job. Can you imagine now why I as a mother I fought so hard for her and still am. This little girl didnt eat one bite of food for 22 days and he did nothing! He was fired yet still remains in the picture why is that??? It got so bad that Hannah became suicidal because she couldnt eat. I can see now clearly he was afraid of a malpractice suit. Thats why he called CPS. I never once yelled or raised my voice but I expressed my concern and filed a formal complaint in the hospital. He should not be in charge of my daughters and should not even have a licence to practice medicine anymore. justiceforthesisters @jftsisters @diegelmelissa #justiceforthesisters
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:44:53 +0000

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