Several people have requested I share the dream I had in April of - TopicsExpress


Several people have requested I share the dream I had in April of this year. I believe this dream is a prophetic warning to the United States so I am reposting it again in light of all that is happening in the world. As you read it, please understand sometimes the things in our dreams can be symbolic. When I first had the dream thats how I first interpreted the destruction of the building described in the dream. However, now with ISIS threatening, I am not sure if all of it is symbolic or if it could be a literal destruction. The Coming Storm - Tornadoes and the U.S. Capitol On Saturday, September 17, 2005, I was preparing to begin a revival the next morning in Ardmore, Oklahoma,…pletely unaware of the shift God was about to make in my ministry. That evening I was unable to sleep because of an overwhelming restlessness I felt in my spirit. Finally, in total frustration, I threw back the covers, got out of bed and began desperately seeking God for understanding of what I was sensing in the spiritual atmosphere. I feel it’s important to put a disclaimer right here. In no way am I seeking to sound “super spiritual” or “sensational,” but I had a visitation from the Lord that evening that would affect me greatly. Without going into great detail, suffice it to say, I heard the Lord warning of a “coming storm.” Only 25 days earlier, New Orleans had been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The images of mass suffering were still before our eyes night and day, yet I knew God was saying there is something greater coming that will cause Hurricane Katrina to pale in comparison. The words the Lord spoke to me that night and what He revealed to me in the coming days about this coming storm would forever change the way in which I have ministered over these last 9 years. That was 9 years ago, and I STILL believe a storm is coming! I believe we’re just several years closer now, and my concern is that we have foolishly squandered the time God has so graciously given to us to repent and change course in order to avoid coming judgement. I believe many, even those within the Church, are totally unprepared for what is coming should Jesus tarry. That brings us to 2014, and to what I believe is yet another warning from God about this “coming storm” He spoke of back in 2005. On April 27, 2014, the same day Mayflower and Vilonia, Arkansas were ravaged by tornadoes,...I was in Colorado Springs, Colorado for a time of ministry, and was awakened very early Sunday morning by a most disturbing dream. In my dream, I was ministering to a congregation in a Sunday evening service. This is a church where I have ministered before on several different occasions and I know the pastor and his wife well. However, in the dream they were in a different, much larger building. This church is a very difficult place to minister, and in my dream it was no different. However, the Lord broke through and there was a powerful anointing to preach and pray that came upon me. As I pleaded with the congregation to draw nearer to God the altars were filled with people seeking after the Lord. As God began to move in the altars, a powerful message in tongues came forth! I did not see the individual who gave the message in tongues, but the power of it reverberated within the entire sanctuary as if God was speaking directly to His people. An older, white haired man, standing in the altar area to my left, began to give the interpretation. When he began speaking, I thought to myself, “This doesn’t seem right.” As he continued speaking I realized the “interpretation” he was giving was being spoken over the body of Christ but it was not for the bodys edification. Instead, his words were elevating a particular minister, who was standing behind me. I never saw this minister’s face. I saw only his back. This false “interpretation” seemed to be elevating “man” and seemed to be an effort to legitimize or give credence to the words this minister had spoken the night before rather than being a genuine Word from God that edified the whole body of Christ. These two men seemed to have some kind of strange, “inside” connection and they rejoiced together at the end of the “interpretation” with an embrace, as the older gentleman glanced my way with defiance and disgust. The pastor returned to the platform and I felt as if he was going to dismiss the service soon. I felt compelled, before we dismissed, to exhort the people one last time to not lose what God had done for us and to continue on in the spirit of revival. As I was exhorting the people, suddenly the back wall of the church became clear as glass and I could see right through it. In that moment, it was very strange, but I felt as if I was seeing a vision within the dream. As I stood behind the pulpit, looking thru this glass wall, left of center, I saw a massive funnel cloud. This funnel cloud was extremely tall and extremely wide. Behind it, were 3-4 other funnel clouds. The ones that followed, were tall and skinny and not as wide as the first. They were following in the same path, but were further away and not as close in proximity. I’m not sure if there were 3 or 4 additional funnel clouds, because my attention was so fixed on the massive size and close proximity of the first one I saw. Although I do not know a time frame for this,...I believe that there will be a major event occur (the large massive tornado) that will have people so distracted that we will not even be prepared for the others that will follow in its wake. Each of these funnel clouds were almost a brilliant white in color, standing in stark contrast against the pitch black sky, in an area that looked like a flat pasture land. They were hovering close to the ground, only inches away from touching down, but in the dream I knew they were headed to a more populated area where damage would begin taking place. Suddenly my attention shifted to the center of this “vision” I was seeing within the dream. There I saw a large white building that had collapsed and was in ruin. I didn’t see it in the dream, yet I knew the devastation had entered this building from behind, through the back, as it exited out the front. The visibility of the front of the building was poor because billowing clouds of dirt and debris were still surrounding it. However, I could see the one thing still standing, intact and unmoved were the pillars and columns at the front of the building. The Word tells us everything that can be shaken WILL be shaken! The only thing that will be unmoved in these last days and able to weather the storms is that which is built upon Christ our Foundation. This building had sustained such damage, I wouldn’t have known what it was except for its recognizable dome. Except the dome no longer stood proud and erect on top of the building,…it had fallen into the middle of the now dilapidated structure, and I knew it had fallen because the infrastructure had been so severely damaged there was nothing left inside to support it. The building I saw was the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. In the dream I thought to myself, “Dear God, we’ve got to tell the people what is going on! They are inside the church and they have no idea what is going on outside. We MUST tell them what’s coming and let them decide whether they want to ride out the storm in the church or leave and try to make it to their homes.” The pastor was still on the platform and he seemed to realize something was wrong, but I wasn’t sure if he had seen the same thing I had just witnessed. Yet, both of us were trying to alert the people as to what was happening, in order to get them to a place of safety. Suddenly, the sanctuary was completely empty. The people had scattered before we could give them adequate instructions and I didn’t know where they had gone. The only people left in the sanctuary were my mother and a small handful of others who I sensed were genuine saints of God. Those of us left in the sanctuary were trying to get to a safe room within the church as quickly as possible to pray and intercede against the coming storm because it was now upon us. Yet everything seemed to be moving in slow motion and we were being hindered. I awoke out of this dream praying in the Spirit. I struggled for months as I prayerfully asked God what to do with this dream. I have also wrestled with putting myself on the line, realizing some who don’t know me might label me a “doomsday prophet.” However, I’ve come to the conclusion if this is a warning of things to come then I will be held responsible if I do not share what I feel the Lord has spoken to me. If it is a warning of imminent danger coming to our nation than it is even more critical I share what I feel is from God. Ezekiel 33:3-6 says, “When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he sounds the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action, it is their own fault if they die. They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives. But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.” (NLT) I believe God still has watchmen for this hour! I believe He is speaking through many people and in many ways to America yet again, about things that are soon to come. I do not know if the destruction of the Capitol building is symbolic or literal. When I first had the dream, I interpreted it as being symbolic destruction. Now, with the rise of ISIS, I cant rule out the possibility of a literal attack against the Capitol. Neither do I have a definite timeframe for this dream, but I do believe God is warning America of things to come. It’s my prayer that we will have ears to hear! Ive never felt as burdened for America and for the Church as I do at this very moment! I pray that the body of Christ will hear with their spirit ears what the Spirit of God is saying in this hour,…rise up in prayer and repentance for our national sins, and just perhaps, like Nineveh God will turn judgement away from our land.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:32:05 +0000

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