Several years ago when I came out with my first book - TopicsExpress


Several years ago when I came out with my first book /Psychic-Discovers,as time went on several people would say to me ,God spoke to me about writing a book so I stayed in contact with some of those people, well some of those people I got hold of and are still praying about it.When I got saved my very first pastor would save over the pulpit there are those who are doing something for the kingdom of God and then theres those who are just praying about it.Then as I matured in the things of the spirit and I was in the business world I found out 75% of the population talk about what their going to do while 25% are doing it.Prayer is important but so many people dont understand that prayer is important but faith with out works is dead.Several years ago I went to a church that just prayed about this or that but never did nothing. Then I went to another church that would pray about this or that but then they would move forward.I have written 5 books and I find it so sad that so many are doing nothing but praying so let me ask you this,how many weeks or years are you going to talk about doing something ? Church its time to quit standing on the side lines and get in the game.I am am a strong believer that if people would quit talking about how powerful God is and start walking in the power and authority of God.I believe the would not be setting the trends if those in the church would quit talking and start doing something.Its time we quit living in fear and claiming how powerful God is and start walking in the power and authority of God.When I was young in the lord and I saw so many Mormons buying businesses and the church was growing the spirit of God said to me Tim if my people would have faith in me like Mormons do in their religion,they could walking in the blessings
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:55:40 +0000

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