“Severyn!” A male voice sounded throughout the building. I - TopicsExpress


“Severyn!” A male voice sounded throughout the building. I jolt awake, a look of confusion on my face. “Coming Alabaster!” I quickly run through the halls of the Gigantic stone building. What could he honestly want at this hour. “Alabaster.” I pant “What did you need, what time is it?” I shake the curls from my hair. “quiet your tone.” “But your the one wh!-” He glares at me. Alabaster was my fathers butler, always kind to me. “Theres been complications with your fathers health.” “What?” Alabaster waves me over to my fathers door. I take a shaky breath before walking over. “Severyn...My daughter.” My father weakly breathes out. “Father...” I walk slowly to his bed. “I fear I am not long for this world.” “Dont speak like that father.” “Its the truth, you know I am against speaking of death, but when it stares you in the face, its all you can speak of.” I close my eyes and look down. “Now now, Dont mourn over me just yet, Im still here yknow.” He chuckles before going into a coughing fit. “Father!” I clamp my hand over my mouth, tears threatening to fall. Alabaster hurries over with a handkerchief. My father waves him off. “I need to-” His face pales and he vomits all over himself. I fall to the floor out of shock. “Sir!” Alabasters normal calm face is full of worry. “Ill be gone in the next hour..” Alabaster hurries over and helps me up, sitting me in the chair beside fathers bed. “Let me get you cle-” “no..Its to late for that now, I have to say something while I still can.” He looks over at me. “Severyn..You are going to have to take over..” “Take over?” “I never told you...but...your mother..she..” He faints. “Father!” I stand and grab his hand. “Please dont do this..” “Severyn...” Alabaster sighs. “I think its best you go.” “What was he going to say Alabaster.” I let go of Fathers Limp hand and glare at Alabaster. “I will tell you another time, you must go now.” I look down, a single tear falling down my face. “Its best that you do, if you dont hold true to this, you do not want to know what I will do to you.” I stomp out of the room, leaving Alabaster in shock. I run back to my room, slamming the door as I enter. “What provoked you to act like a teenage girl?” a voice from the Shadows Laughed. “Seeing as how I am one, nothing that matters to you.” I slide down the wall, sitting on the ground. “Dont be like this Severyn, You knew the big guy would be clocking out eventually.” “Dont talk about my father that way.” The voice emerges from the shadows, Emery. “So is he gone then?” He walks over and bends down in front of me. “He fainted, but Im sure he wont be waking up..” “Oh, Love...” He wraps his arms around me. I normally wouldnt let Emery get this close to me but..I needed someone even if it was a lowlife like him. “Emery..You should go..you know you arent supposed to be here.” “You want me here.” “Its not what I want, Its what my fath-” I bite my lip. I hear Emery sigh. “Ill go..but I will be back..” Emery lets go of me, kissing my forehead before leaping out of my window. I sigh looking at the window. There was once a time when Emery seemed the type I would spend my life with, But My father Objected to his recklessness, I normally wouldnt listen to my father when it came to my life but it was one of his dying wishes, so...Emery and I will never be. I stood, Listening to the crickets. Finally it hit me. My father is gone. Dead. Hell never see me get married, or have kids. Hes not going to be able to give me advice. Im not going to be able to hug him anymore... I let out a yell before slumping to the ground sobbing. “Why did...Why did you have to die!? Why did you leave me?!” I hit the ground before laying motionless, tears streaming down my face. “I love you...” I heard my door creak open. “Severyn...” “Go away Alabaster.” “We need to make funeral arrangements.” “You do it.” “You need to start acting like a ruler, you rule over what your father had, act like it.” “Alabaster, My father just died!” I sit up. “And you expect me to take over just like that? Get out.” He breathes heavily before walking out. “What am I going to do without you...” I sigh before passing out on my cold, hard, floor.. Heres a story Ive been working on c:
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:38:01 +0000

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