Shabbat Shalawam Ahchs Wa Ahchwaths, Just a couple of things - TopicsExpress


Shabbat Shalawam Ahchs Wa Ahchwaths, Just a couple of things that are on my mind that I want to say. When reading posts from anyone or even watching videos from folks, While we are to keep an open mind, We should also discern truth. Read all books, Link them to the scrolls (What you know as the bible). See if they line up. Get audio files of these holy books and go to sleep listening to them. U would be surprised what you will retain while you sleep. Take care of your body. Dont be so quick to eat something just because. If we are trying to be like the father, lets examine something. Just because certain dietary things are in the Mozaic Law, does that mean he truly wanted us to with it that way. Ahaya had a diet for our bodies but our hearts are hardened and have to have that piece of whatever it is. Remember what he wanted for us in Genesis 1:29-30. Lets me post a scripture and then ask a question Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 For God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his own eternity. If we are to be an image of his own eternity then ask yourself: Is he is up there right now eating flesh. Are the angels? What about the Holy Spirit? Christ? If we are trying to be like him, shouldnt we start to prepare our bodies? Did you know in Jasher (81:46-48) and in Josephus, it says that in the wilderness we ate manna for the entire time (40 years) we were there except for 1 month when in Numbers 11, we loathed it? What happened to them folks who ate the quail?? If you know scriptures, you know what happened. Even David broke it down in Psalms 78. What about what these demons are putting in the meats you eat right now? You are not even cultivating your own animals. None of us are. We all go to the supermarket to get our meat..Cook it and bless it even though we see on line and through any kind of research how they are crossbreeding pigs with every clean animal, putting steroids in them, feeding them garbage and even keeping them in their own filth, killing them violently, process it and then ship it thousands of miles to your store where you go happily to buy it, take it home cook bless it and eat. Just remember that when you digest that animal on your plate and its juices, you digest its spirit, its death which attaches itself to your spirit which now gives you the spirit of death all over again. For that you might as well go back to eating pork straight up. Like Christ said in Matthew, Ahaya allowed certain things to slide because our hearts were hardened due to us being in captivity in Egypt and to Satan himself. But a remnant understood life and stepped away from the norm and took care of their bodies and subsequently their minds. We are real close to the 3 1/2 year tribulation period if were not already in it. (Wouldnt surprise me) But the key point is whether we are or not, Are you preparing your self and your household mentally and physically and even spiritually? Things will be on top of you before you know it. You dont want to be like a deer in the headlights caught and not prepared to run. Not prepared to spiritually deal with what you will see. Can you eat off the land? Can you fast with or without water for up to 7 days? What if he wants to test us and not bring the things we want to eat but instead Manna comes down as in old time? U ready for that? What is wrong with drinking water, eating fruit and vegetables? Taking your body back to its natural state. Not everyone will have the same depth of truth that you may have. And someone may have more than you. Have patience and a equally open mind. This is how we will learn and also help our brothers and sisters. Individually we dont have it all but together through the spirit of Ahaya, we will have everything. Barak Atham Brothers and Sisters and Shalawam
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:09:13 +0000

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