Shabbat Shalom to Brethren, YAHUAH is sending these curses on us - TopicsExpress


Shabbat Shalom to Brethren, YAHUAH is sending these curses on us because we as the Nation of Israel will not repent and return to Torah. You are not saved by grace as some would lie to you. As we showed you recently you are saved by Grace THROUGH FAITH, that is by BELIEVING YAHUAH, as Satan also believes in YHWH but does not do as He says and many that think they are saved by grace believe in YHWH Elohim but will not obey and do what He says the same as Satan. Abraham BELIEVED YHWH and therefor DID AS HE WAS TOLD. Unlike many of you who will not do as you are told in the Torah! SO this week we go another step further to show those whom we can what is coming to those who will not obey now and repent while we can. This is an ugly subject and is going disturb many of you. But you need to know. Your wife and your daughters will be raped and serve as s-e-x slaves. Your young sons as well. We have history and the bible to prove this to you. No you will not be raptured out of here. Scotty is not going to beam you up. If you will not obey YHWH and keep His Torah, His Weekly Seventh Day SHABBAT, His Annual Feast Days, and His Sabbatical Year coming up in 2016, then know for a fact that what I am describing in this News Letter is going to happen to those you love. If you really loved them you would repent now and begin to obey. Your Sons and Daughters and your wife will serve the every whim of someone who will beat them to death if they do not. It is time to stop playing religion and it is time to stop trying to be holier than thou. It is time to humble your heart and repent and begin to keep the Torah. You have less time than you realize. To read this News letter go to sightedmoonnl/?page_id=871
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:56:39 +0000

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