Shackland where gangsters hide from the law By: Genevieve Serra, - TopicsExpress


Shackland where gangsters hide from the law By: Genevieve Serra, The Daily Voice 11 November 2014 Blikkiesdorp was originally created as a temporary relocation camp for backyard dwellers and others on the governments housing list. Its now seven years later and nearly 15 000 people are living there in squalor,and camp grows bigger by the day. Located 30 kilometres from the city centre, the brainchild of former Cape Town mayor Helen Zille. She Helen Zille treat our people like slaves, like war prisoners, it is an concentration camp, because she does not really care for them, because they are not from her ethnic group, why should she care for us when she is a foreigner, no different to Jan van Riebeeck, Sir Cecil John Rhodes and others, like any other foreigner coming to our country, they are here for the benefit of their own people , country or both, sacrificing our existence for their economic, social and political empowerment, development, advancement and powers and for that to happen people historically from the Cape have to experience the above social conditions year in and year out for decades and their future generations posed no threat to their objectives, like we experienced in this 20 years of democracy. Entrapment, political repression, forced assimilation process, land dispossession, terrorism [gangs], ethnic genocide, racial discrimantory, exclusion, destructive laws and policies, corrupt police officers, corrupt politicians, fraud and corruption and worst of all the act of colonialism. They will strive for economic, social and political empowerment that destroying our right to exist in any means necessary, that is what she is presenting since in an authority position. To date, the city has built 1 750 structures, each 18 square metres in size, out of tin and zinc sheets, at an cost of about R30 million. Thus far, only 33 families have moved out and into new homes, says Councillor Siyabulela Mamkeli, the Citys Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements. Report us to the cops and we will burn you alive This is the horrendous threats the people of Blikkiesdorp ave to live with as murderous skollies take over their dusty streets. Murder, prostitution, , rape, arm robbery, and theft have become the order of the day in the informal settlement, which started as a temporary relocation area but has turned into what appears to be a permanent site for squalor. Its believed gangsters from other areas are using the tin town as a hideout from the law and rivals. Blikkiesdorp Neighbourhood Watch tells the Daily Voice that the worst culprit are two teen gangs, The Gifted and The Okkah Boys. They say these are the gangs who gas people inside their shacks so that they can break in to rob, and even rape females. Hell Delft Community Policing Forum chairperson, Reggie Maart, says despite their crime-fighting operations, gangs continue to take over Blikkiesdorp. These gangsters are using laaities between the ages of nine and 17. Who do we get the guns off? Minors. e says even cops lop deur. The gangsters vandalise their [police] vans and these people are too scared to be stationed there. He says known gangsters are using Blikkiesdorp as a hideout to lay low from the law. Poverty Most come from Valhalla Park and Manenberg, they bring food and money, so no one is going to report it. Reggie says poverty is the main contributing factor feeding crime in Blikkiesdorp. Delft and Blikkiesdorp can be seen as a virgin - everybody wants a piece and they want to take ownership, he adds.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:56:45 +0000

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