Shadow Chaser He just sits there on the bench in the city of - TopicsExpress


Shadow Chaser He just sits there on the bench in the city of Sacramento and is just about 20 miles from where it happened. It’s been only a year but it feels like a lifetime since that day and now he has no idea what he’s going to do to find where his family disappeared to but he won’t give up and will continue to do what he can to find them. He has to be able to understand how his abilities work before he can fully give his all to find them but he won’t give up until he finds them all. Jack Brendon knows about loss but since he was gone, a lot has changed in his mind and his life here has not changed a bit. Jack suddenly hears a lot of commotion going on and looks up and finds people are hanging around a television in one of those electronic stores that sell them by showing them in the window. Just like everyone else he is curious so he moves to the window also and sees what everyone is looking at. It is a news program and it shows a commercial liner that seems to be in distress. The newswoman who is reporting it looks upset and he tries to listen to what she is saying. She continues on about how the plane is barely able to hold on and it seems to be in some big trouble. He asks one of the people watching the show “what’s going on?” he says. The onlooker looks at him with an excited voice and says “not sure but they are saying it might be another terrorist attack, and the plane is having some difficulties they know for sure” the onlooker turns to face where the voice is but Jack was already gone. Seconds later Jack is in the control room and looks around with a lot of people trying franticly to contact the pilot and he says to them “I don’t know what we’re going to do I have to keep it in auto pilot and if we even try to land it will explode before we even come close to coming to the ground”. That’s all Jack needs to hear and he is gone again. Now on the plane with the cockpit he is standing there completely in what he does not understand yet, he is completely black from head to toe with only white slits where his eyes are so no one recognizes him. He wants to keep his identity secret so his abilities help with that and his body is completely covered. Their first response is shock when they see him and he tells them “don’t be afraid I’m here to help and I can if you let me”, the pilot still shocked at what he saw knows there is no chance to be able to do anything decides what does he have to lose. The pilot says “the only chance we have is to have the plane explode while were over the ocean”. Jack says to him “is there any chance at all of saving everyone before it does?” The pilot a 20 year experience man shakes his head and says “no, everything we have went over it still will not let me do anything but do this I have no choice I have tried to think of everything but still nothing will work”. Jack tells him that he can get everyone to safety but he has to trust him. Before the pilot can answer he watched Jack mold with the wall of the cockpit and disappear through it. He walks out to the middle of the plane full of people and says “attention everyone if you want to live, trust and follow me”. Everyone looks shocked as he proved that he can by moving his hand over to the wall again and put his hand through the shadow of the wall. “If you come to this it will show you a doorway to safety”. Everyone looks at him in disbelief and he proves it by going through the wall and back to show them he is serious. “As you know by now there is no chance of survival but with me, will someone take the chance to be able to live?” None really believed him but one person decided they knew there was no chance of survival so she decided to take the chance to live. “What choice do we have but to do what he says if there is a chance to live?” She moved over to where his hand was and put her hand to the wall and it disappeared. She pulled it back a bit scared but decided to take a chance and went through. She found herself in the Control room and she was relieved and scared at the same time. She moved back to where she was and touched the wall again and went through and said “were saved!” and went back and that’s all it took for the rest to move and go through one at a time. The control room was silent as they had heard what was going out on the cockpit and is all they could do was wait and all of a sudden they found all the passengers right behind them. The dumbfounded looks on their faces as they see them standing there and they had to wake up and help them. Jack moved back to the cockpit and told them they are all safe and they need to get out themselves. The copilot moved to the door and opened it, moved out and was gone for a minute and returned saying “they are all gone” the pilot moves and looks out the door and tells Jack that someone has to stay and make sure it explodes before it hits land. Jack says “don’t worry about that I’ll stay and get out before it explodes”. The pilot just stares at Jack and says “what the heck, what will we lose?” and moves to where Jack is and disappears with the rest of the crew to safety. Jack is set up and the plane is ready but for some reason he can’t find an opening, he searches all over for an opening but to no avail but at the last second he found one and went out. Unfortunately he found himself outside the plane freefalling and as he continued to fall more and more, the plane exploded above him. Now what can Jack do as he continues to fall, the plane was at 10,000 feet and there was no shadow anywhere around him to save himself. Back at the Control room all the workers are just waiting when they know the plane is gone everyone is quiet, a noise comes up behind them and they turn to see the passengers and crew safe and sound and the cheers and shock is heard all over as somehow they all survived. Before they can think of how it is possible when they were up there on the plane just minutes ago and now they are standing safe and sound in the control room. Everyone jumps up and joins the passengers and crew and happy they survived as the Captain explains to them what happened. Jack wonders how his life came to this falling down from the sky and no way to get himself out of this he continues to think of his family and friends and at the same time trying to get himself out of this situation, thinking of his family strengthens his resolve as he looks down and sees in the distance what seems to be a plane? Could he be this lucky and find himself a savior and get himself out of this, but he knows he’s going too fast so he uses his one power he has always trusted, himself. As he understands his powers he knows that his abilities are based on Dark Matter and that he can control his density. IN the past he has become immaterial and strong as a diamond so he uses that and become light as air as if in space. Slowing down his descent he tries to follow the path of the plane but barely he moves at what seems to be a little too fast but at the last second he sees it and focuses his power to teleport but once again it fails him. He has only seconds before it is too late and he forces himself and focuses on his family and was able to use his power and shift out of space and finds himself on the plane itself. Jesse and Steve were on the way back from their honeymoon and even though it was not the best they could have had they were ready to start their new life together but got caught up with the situation and were stuck in the air with nowhere to land because of the situation they were hearing on the radio. Jesse the one able to fly the plane was listening as they were told of the plane and the problem but we’re stuck in flight and unable to land and just as they were losing their fuel Jack teleported in and shocked them and had to let control room know of what happened. Jack has nothing left he knows and he is finding out the more he uses his powers and his limitations and thinks about it while sitting in the plane looking at the couple who are sitting there with a shock look on their faces and says to them “Sorry to jump into your plane like this, and thanks for your help but I think I’ll relax a bit I think they will let you land now”. In the control room they get a radio signal from Jesse saying “you’re not going to believe this but a man just jumped on our plane midflight I don’t know how but he did”. Everyone is shocked and lets the plane land and the control room asks Jesse what is going on and she turns and finds him gone.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:52:15 +0000

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