Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool (hafidhahullaah Ta’aala) summarized the - TopicsExpress


Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool (hafidhahullaah Ta’aala) summarized the principles of Salafiyyah into four, from which other principles stem: 1. Al-Ikhlaas 2. Following the Sunnah (taking Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as Imam in ‘Aqeedah, Manhaj, manner of worship, character) 3. Warning against bid’ah and its people 4. Sticking to the Jama’ah, and not dividing (and not revolting). So these are the Pillars/Principles of Salafiyyah, such that if an individual removes one from himself, he has removed himself from Salafiyyah, similar to that of a person who did not sit between the two sajdas, then he has no salat, and similar to that of a person who in wudhu did not wash his hands after his face (with the excuse “I already washed my hands in the beginning”), then he has no wudhu. So do not be deceived just because an individual:- knows the conditions of La illaaha il Allaah - teaches Qur`an, or memorized Qur`an - teaches hadeeth, or memorized 40 Nawawee - teaches ‘Aqeedah - combines the prayers when it rains - knows the principles of fiqh - quotes from some of the Salafee scholars A Kharijee Takfeeri who has memorized the conditions of La illaaha il Allaah is still a Kharijee Takfeeri. A grave-worshipping Soofee or Deobandi or Barelwee who teaches Qur`an, or memorized Qur`an is still a grave-worshipping Soofee or Deobandi or Barelwee. An Ikhwaanee who revolts against the rulers and calls to democracy and at the same time this revolter teaches hadeeth is still an Ikhwanee who calls to democracy and revolts against the rulers. A Tahreeri or Suroori who gives sadaqah is still a Tahreeri or Suroori. A Qadari who prays with his hands on his chest is still a Qadaree. An Ash’aree or Jahmee or Mu’tazilee who teaches ‘Aqeedah is still an Ash’aree or Jahmee or Mu’tazilee who rejects Attributes of Allaah, so flee from his ‘aqeedah classes! A Tableeghi who belives in Wahdat al- Wujood, and uses miswak is still a Tableeghi who belives in Wahdat al- Wujood. A Raafidee who drinks with his right hand is still a filthy Raafidee. So don’t be deceived, ya ‘Ibadullaah! Allaah knows best. And our final supplication is Al-Hamdulilaah. SOURCE: SalafyInk
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:07:01 +0000

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