Shaikh Muhammad al-Jibaly - EXPOSING THE IMPOSTER SALAFIS By - TopicsExpress


Shaikh Muhammad al-Jibaly - EXPOSING THE IMPOSTER SALAFIS By Muhammad al-Jibaly in Consultation with `Ali al-Halabi (26 Rabi Awwal 1424 – 27 May 2003) Al-Hamdulillah was-Salaatuwas-Salaam Alla Rasool Allah, Amma Baad This is a sincere advice to all my Muslim brothers and sisters. There are several websites that, in the name of Salafiyyah, currently propagate a methodology alien to the Salafi Da`wah. Their methodology is sometimes described as “Super Salafiyyah”, and I refer to them here as “SS” for convenience. The SS websites should be totally avoided because they are NOT Salafi. They are among many attempts by the enemies of Islam to destroy Salafiyyah from within. During my 25 years of learning and calling to Salafiyyah in the West, I have not seen a more blatant and sinister attempt to uproot our da`wah – and under the pretext of purifying it! The SS people mix their poison with the honey of Salafiyyah, thereby creating great confusion in the minds of the inexperienced and immature. We have learnt the pure Salafiyyah from our Shaykh al-Albani and his senior students and from the writings and lectures of our beloved `ulama’: Ibn Baz and Ibn `Uthaymin. We learnt from these three `ulama’ clear principles of our Din and Manhaj in areas of `aqidah, usul (fundamentals), adab (manners), and so on. We are alarmed now to see SS followers violate one principle after another of what we have learnt from Speaking for many of my friends, such as Husayn `Awayshah and `Ali al-Halabi, who were immediate students of al-Albani, I declare without hesitation that SS is a clear enemy to Salafiyyah. It is as destructive to Salafiyyah as the Jihadis and Takfiris are, but with a different color and flavor. The following are brief examples, some of which involving me personally: 1. Our `ulama’ called to cooperation – SS calls to dissension. On the SS websites, there are headlines such as: “QSS is BUSTED” and “Scandal Exposed”! They have the logo of al-Qur’an was-Sunnah Society (QSS), headed by an ayah from the Qur’an, under fire! What an evil and childish personality would write and create this! It reflects a deep-rooted venomous hatred toward Salafiyyah. Since its inception in 1985, QSS has been the main organization in the West representing and propagating Salafiyyah under guidance and support of numerous `ulama’, such as the three great ones mentioned above, Salih Al ash-Shaykh, Salih as-Sadlan, Husayn Al ash-Shaykh, and numerous others. 2. Our `ulama’ called to love and good manners – SS calls to hatred and disseminates ill manners. There is hardly a good organization or upright individual that has been spared from severe attack and insults on the SS websites. Their cherished and numerous “scandals” are filled with ugly insults that bring nothing but gloom and hardness to the heart. 3. Our `ulama’ called to knowledge – SS calls to ignorance. Our dawah emphasizes serious and patient study and learning of the various subjects of Qur’an and Sunnah from worthy people of knowledge. With SS, a new Muslim can be an experienced graduate of THEIR Salafiyyah by merely learning how and whom to attack and backbite. For example, one of the SS websites carries a headline: “Why We Abandoned Dr Jibaly”. The three poor individuals behind this (and their three followers) should have mentioned that in reality they abandoned themselves by boycotting all Muslims and study-circles in their area and turning into a closed shell of ignorance and hatred. 4. Our `ulama’ called to forgiveness and compassion – SS calls to cruelty and condemnation. SS followers take it upon themselves to attack and destroy the reputation of any person who does not agree with their evil plots. A person could be their beloved friend and teacher until he dares to give them advice, after which he becomes their worst enemy. To them, it is sufficient to find one error for a student of knowledge to permanently indict and condemn him. This is how they dealt with adth-Thahabi, myself, al-Albani’s Jordanian students, QSS and its current leader, and many others. 5. Our ulama called to truthfulness – SS spreads lies. SS followers do not appear to have any wara’ (fearing of Allah) to prevent them from fabricating lies against students of knowledge and other Muslims. For example, they changed my words before presenting their questions to Shaykh al-Banna in order to extract from him an indicting fatwa that suits their agenda. Similarly, the few SS followers in Texas filled their website with lies to justify why they abandoned their teacher! There are numerous examples like these showing that the base desires of the SS followers seem to take precedence over basic principles of our Din. 6. Our ulama called to openness – SS calls to clear hizbiyyah. We have learnt from our `ulama’ to avoid secret organization and plotting against Muslims. We learnt from them to accept guidance and knowledge from any reliable source. On the contrary, SS is a cult-like methodology only open to its few select members. It requires from its followers to accept guidance from and show full submission to its few “spiritual leaders”, and bans learning from anyone else. The SS followers in the west have largely taken seclusion in their private musallas and abandoned all prayers with the mainstream Muslims because “they have too many bid`ahs”! This is an act that was never permitted by the `ulama’ of Islam, and it shows only a khawarij/mu`tazilah tendency. Another example of SS’s hizbiyyah is a drifting email that was supposed to be an internal communiqué among some SS groups. It was accidentally forwarded to an unintended recipient, which exposed their plot and agenda of attacking al-Albani’s Jordanian students. 7. Our ulama called to unity and brotherhood – SS calls to racism. It has become a trend among the followers of SS in the US and other areas that they should come from a particular race, and that any Muslim from that race should be an SS follower! Thus, a new Islamic racist movement has appeared among the new Muslims inside and outside prisons, all under the name of Salafiyyah. 8. Our ulama called to showing gratitude to a benefactor – SS calls to ingratitude. Indeed, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said, ‹He who is not grateful to the people is not grateful to Allah. And indeed, I have not seen a group of people as ungrateful as the SS followers. Their websites are full of attacks directed toward their numerous teachers who taught them almost all the Islamic knowledge they have. Instead of showing gratitude, they seem to revel in the blood and honor of their benefactors and to chant a song of victory every time they knock down one of the Salafi du`at or students of knowledge. 9. Our `ulama’ respected al-Albani and his students – SS calls to destroying al-Albani’s image. SS’s followers undertake an obvious agenda of destroying al-Albani’s blessed da`wah through attacking his students, one by one. To them, no single student of al-Albani is credible anymore – whether Jordanian, Syrian, Palestinian, Egyptian, or Lebanese! In conclusion, SS and its allies call themselves Salafis. However, their destructive methodology is not the true Salafiyyah that we learnt from our `ulama’, have devoutly upheld, and will, in sha’ Allah, die upon. So, let it be it known to all: O “super Salafis”, you are not upon our path, and we are clear from you: «And If they deny you, then say, “For me are my deeds and for you yours. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do.» Yunus 10:41
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:31:19 +0000

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