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Shakeel Ahmad > MBBS Part 2 Biochemistry. Pakistan and Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh ( Northern Province), abbr. UP, is a state located in northern India. equal to 6.88% of the total area of India, and is the fourth largest Indian state by area. Control over this region was of vital importance to the power and stability of all of Indias major empires, IT WAS CREATED on 1 April 1937 as the United Provinces, and was renamed Uttar Pradesh in 1950. Lucknow is the administrative capital of Uttar Pradesh. Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Moradabad, Aligarh, Agra, Bareilly, and Varanasi are known for their industrial importance in the state as well as in India. ARCHEOLOGICAL FINDINGS have indicated the presence of Stone Age Homo sapiens hunter-gatherer s in Uttar Pradesh between around 85 and 73 thousand years old. ACCORDING TO HINDU LEGEND, the divine king Rama of the Ramayanaepic reigned in Ayodhya, the capital of Kosala. Krishna, another divine king of Hindu legend, who plays a key role in the Mahabharata epic and is revered as the eighth reincarnation (Avatar) of the Hindu god Vishnu, is said to have been born in the city of Mathura, in Uttar Pradesh, IN THE 16TH CENTURY, Babur, a Timurid descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan from Fergana Valley (modern-day Uzbekistan), swept across the Khyber Pass and founded theMughal Empire, covering India, along with modern-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. INDIAN REBELLION OF 1857. After the revolt failed, the British attempted to divide the most rebellious regions by reorganising the administrative boundaries of the region, splitting the Delhi region from NWFP of Agra and merging it with Punjab, while the Ajmer- Marwar region was merged with Rajputana and Oudh was incorporated into the state. The new state was called the North Western Provinces of Agra and Oudh, UTTAR PRADESH CONTINUED TO BE CENTRAL TO INDIAN POLITICS and was especially important in modern Indian history as a hotbed of the Indian independence movement. Uttar Pradesh hosted modern educational institutions such as the Benaras Hindu University, Aligarh Muslim University and the Darul Uloom Deoband. The state has provided seven of Indias prime ministers and is the source of the largest number of seats in the Lok Sabha Despite its political influence, it poor economic development and administrative record, organised crime and corruption kept it amongst Indias backward states. Muslims of Uttar Pradesh They are also known as Urdu speakers With the rise of the Mongols under Genghis Khan, there was an influx of Muslim refugees into North India, many of whom settled in the provincial qasbas, bringing with them a Persianized culture. Many of these early settlers are the ancestors of the Sayyid and Shaikh communities. In these qasbas, over time a number of cultural norms arose, which still typify many Uttar Pradesh Muslim traditions. TheTurkish Sultans of Delhi and their Mughal successors patronized the émigré Muslim culture: Islamic jurists of the Sunni Hanafi school, Persian literati who were ShiaIthnā‘ashar iyyah and Sufis of several orders, including the Chishti, Qadiri and Naqshbandi. These Sufi orders were particularly important in converting Hindus to Islam. It is estimated that about 35% of Urdu speakers are of Pashtun origin. The provinces such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar had significant population of Pashtuns. These Pashtuns over the years lost their language Pashto and culture and adopted Urdu as their first language. Sub- groups also includes the Hyderabadi Muslims, Memon Muslims, Bihari Muslimsetc. who keep many of their unique cultural traditions. Muslims from what are now the states of Delhi, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh were themselves of heterogeneous origin. The Kayastha community that has historically been involved in the occupations of land record keeping and accounting. Many Hindu Kayasth found favour with Muslim rulers for whom the acted as Qanungos. This close association, led to the conversion of many members of the Kayastha community to Islam. The Muslim Kayasths speak Urdu and HindiThe Kayasth sometime use Siddiqui, Quraishi, Khan, Shaikh, Usmani and Farooqi as their surnames, and consider themselves belonging to the Shaikh community. This region also saw the settlement ofPashtun soldiers and administrors from what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan. The largest settlement was that of Rohilkhand, which was home to a number of Pashtun principalities. Other immigrants included Kambohs from Punjab, who together with the Pathan formed part of the ruling elite in North India. With the collapse of the Sultanate of Delhi, the Mughal established their control, U.P. became the heartland of their vast empire; the region was known as Hindustan, which is used to this day as the name for India in several languages. Of all the Muslim states and dependencies of the Mughal empire, Awadh had the newest royal family. They were descended from a Persian adventurer called Saadat Khan, originally from Khurasan in Persia. There were many Khurasanis in the service of the Mughals, mostly soldiers, and if successful, they could hope for rich rewards. These Khurasanis were Shia, and Lucknow became a centre of Shia culture in Uttar Pradesh. BY THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the British had established their control over what is now Uttar Pradesh. This led to an end of almost eight centuries of Muslim rule over Uttar Pradesh. THE BRITISH RULERS created a class of feudal landowners who were generally referred to aszamindars, and in Awadh as taluqdars. Many of these large landowners provided patronage to the arts, and funded many of the early Muslim educational institutions. A major educational institution was the Aligarh Muslim University, which gave its name to the Aligarhmovement . Under the guidance of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan, the Urdu speaking Muslim elite sought to retain their position of political and administrative importance by reconciling their Mughal and Islamic culture with English education. A somewhat different educational movement was led by the Ulema of Deoband, who founded a religious school or Dar-ul-Uloom designed to revitalize Islamic learning. The aim of the Deobandis, as the movement became known as was to purge the Muslims of all strata of traditions and customs that were claimed to be Hindu. The role of Urdu language played an important role in the development of Muslim self-consciousn ess in the early twentieth century. Uttar Pradesh Muslims set up Anjumans or associations for the protection and promotion of Urdu. These early Muslim associations formed the nucleus of the All India Muslim League in Dhaka in 1905. Many of the leaders belonged to the Ashraf category. Uttar Pradesh Muslims formed the core of the movement for a separate Muslim state, later known as Pakistan. The eventual effect of this movement led to thepartition of India, and creation of Pakistan. This led to an exodus of many Muslim professionals to Pakistan, and the division of the Uttar Pradeshi Muslims, with the formation of theMuhajir ethnic group of Pakistan. The role of the Aligarh Muslim University was extremely important in the creation of Pakistan famous Sachar Report have identified that the Muslim community in Uttar Pradesh lags behind in terms of economics, educational attainment and political representation. Muslims in Uttar Pradesh are divided into the Ashraf and Ajlaf categories which are distinguished by ethnic origin and descent. TECHNICALLY, THE ASHRAF are descendents of groups with foreign ancestry, while the ajlaf are those whose ancestors are said to have converted to Islam. The Ashraf are further divided into four groupings, the Sayyid, the supposed descendants of the Prophet Mohammed, the Shaikh claiming descents from earlyArab or Persian settlers, the Mughal who claim descent from the Mughal Dynasty and finally the Pathan, who claim descents from Pashtun groups that have settled in India. Technically the first two groups intermarry with each other, while the latter two intermarry. THOSE COMMUNITIES FALLING WITHIN THE AJLAF CATEGORY were traditionally associated with the practice of a particular craft, for example the Ansari were weavers, while the Saifi were blacksmiths. These artisan communities also call themselves biradaries or brotherhoods in English, and each biradari is characterised by strict endogamy. In the older parts of town and cities in Uttar Pradesh, they are also characterised by residential segration. . Among other traditional artisan biradaris in UP are the Behna, Bhatiara, Bhishti, Manihar,Dhobi, Muslim Halwai, Teli and Raj, which were at one time associated with a particular craft or trade. URDU IS OFTEN CONTRASTED WITH HINDI, another standardised form of Hindustani. The main differences between the two are that Standard Urdu is conventionally written in Nastaliq calligraphy style of the Perso-Arabic script and draws vocabulary from Persian, Arabic, Turkish and local languages while Standard Hindi is conventionally written in Devanāgarī and draws vocabulary from Sanskrit comparatively more heavily. Mohammad Ali Jouhar Indian Muslim leader, activist, scholar, journalist and poet. born in 1878 in Rampur (UP), India. He was the brother of Maulana Shoukat Ali. Jouhar attended the Darul Uloom Deoband, Aligarh Muslim University and, in 1898, Lincoln College, Oxford, studying modern history. joined the Baroda civil service. He became a writer and orator, contributing to major English and Indian newspapers, in both English and Urdu. He launched the Urdu weekly Hamdard and English The Comrade in 1911. Jouhar had attended the founding meeting of the All India Muslim League in Dhaka in 1906, and served as its president in 1918. He remained active in the League till 1928. He represented the Muslim delegation that travelled to England in 1919 to convince the British government to influence the Turkish nationalist Mustafa Kemal not to depose theSultan of Turkey, who was the Caliph of Islam. British rejection of their demands resulted in the formation of the Khilafat committee which directed Muslims all over India to protest and boycott the government. Jouhar was however, disillusioned by the failure of the Khilafat movement and Gandhis suspension of non- cooperation in 1922, owing to the Chauri Chaura incident. He restarted his weekly Hamdard, and left the Congress Party. He opposed the Nehru Report, which was a document proposing constitutional reforms and a dominion status of an independent nation within the British Empire, written by a committee of Hindu and Muslim members of the Congress Party headed by President Motilal Nehru. Choudhry Khaliquzzaman (25 December 1889 – 1973) was a Pakistani politician and a very important Muslim figure during British India. He was one of the top leaders of the All India Muslim League. He came from the United Provinces . He was the first president of the Pakistan Muslim League. He served as the governor of East Pakistan from March 31, 1953, to May 29, 1954 Altaf Hussain Altaf Hussain belongs to a muhajir family that moved from Agra, Before the formation of Pakistan, Hussains parents resided at their ancestral home in Nai ki Mandi, Agra, His paternal grandfather Mohammad Ramazan was the grand mufti of Agra and his maternal grandfather Pir Haji Hafiz Rahim Bakhsh Qadri was a religious scholar In 1974, Hussain graduated from the Islamia Science College with a Bachelor of Science. In 1979, he graduated from the University of Karachi with a Bachelor of Pharmacy. . After graduating from the university, Hussain began his career as a trainee at the Seventh-day Adventist Hospital in Karachi while simultaneously working for a multinational pharmaceutical company. Short-lived military service In 1970, General Yahya Khan introduced the National Service Cadet Scheme (NSCS) making it compulsory for higher secondary scholars to enlist with the army. According to the MQM, Altaf Hussain enlisted with the Pakistan Army through the NSCS and his services were assigned to the 57th Baloch Regiment as soldier number 2642671. Upon completion of his training, his regiment was assigned from Hyderabad to Karachi from where it was sent to East Pakistan via ships. Once the 1971 Indo-Pak war came to an end, Hussain returned to West Pakistan to join willfully with the regular army. In the version of events told by the MQM, the selection officer rejected Hussains selection because his parents were ‘muhajirs’ from India even when Hussain insisted he was born in Pakistan. This is quoted as one of the many instances that formulated Hussains future political aspirations.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:04:51 +0000

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