Shaking my head - do people even listen to what they are saying? - TopicsExpress


Shaking my head - do people even listen to what they are saying? Stephanie Bell of PETA has gone on record saying that killing the deer wont reduce their population unless you eliminate the food sources, because if theres still food there, other deer will simply move in and take the place of the ones hunted off. She is recommending that all food plants be eradicated. My take-away from this is that PETA believes it is more ethical to subject deer to slow death by starvation than to kill them - probably more quickly - for food. Dont get me wrong - I am not a wholesale advocate for hunting. I have no problem with someone cleanly and respectfully killing an animal to put food on the table. I DO have a problem with idiots who try for bragging-rights shots that are beyond their skill level, thus injuring the animal and causing suffering. I also have no use for trophy hunters, or even those who brag about their prowess and post photos of their kill. But to deliberately take action that will cause the slow deaths of these animals by removing their food source, and will also upset the natural balance of vegetation in the area... well, thats just stupid. Bad form, PETA... BAD FORM!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:22:09 +0000

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