Shall I do MBA - Short answer NO (4 technology & science & - TopicsExpress


Shall I do MBA - Short answer NO (4 technology & science & leaders).. unless you are jobless after graduation. And answer is still no if you want to become a manager or join the executive team or even launch your own business or run family business. If you do MBA literally it means u are degrading your technical knowledge, so that at the end of MBA you know less and which means u are less suitable for technology and science world. Technology and science is fast changing how we do everything, how we do business, how we manage finance, even how we police or how we will give justice to people... the underlining success factor for any country or company even for a retail company is how well you manage your technology and science, whether it comes to distribution or what will sell or what is selling, technology can give u instant answers automatically.. even storage, long shelf life, everything technology has an better answer, and you simply cannot do what others are doing as we have entered a rapidly evolving world and already seeing established companies reduced to dust if they failed to respect technology, science and knowledge. Let me repeat again it is technology and knowledge world.. yes u can additionally manage people.. then u will better suited... but u cannot have less knowledge.. else ur junior can easily know that u dont know anything and just fooling the world and how can u even manage people with less knowledge or knowing what is happening in background. Even to become good manager or executive you need to excel in technology and science first and continue to maintain that, and then u can start thinking in that line. As you grow higher up the chain, demand on ur technology expertise increase drastically and one need more RAM.. to know more.. to ignore more and filter what you need to know.. not everyone has that and hence everyone cannot be leader, but you can certainly be a specialist in one area and you have better off maintaining that way in most cases... this is futuristic view and most companies have very Bad manager currently and hence not even able to comprehend whom to appoint managers and hence struggling.. firing.. cost cutting.. going bankrupt.... Parvin IIT KGP 1997
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:48:59 +0000

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