Shalom,Abba has shown me an hour glass.As i continued to look, it - TopicsExpress


Shalom,Abba has shown me an hour glass.As i continued to look, it automatically turned upside down and this is what I heard......Time on this side is not as the time on your side,although you will know my hand as I accelerate the times for all My saints......i emphatically heard ,Now is the time,now is the now is the time,and the lateness of the hour is at hand......With that being said,here is the rest of what He is saying to His people......My ways are not your ways,My times are not your times,My seasons are not your seasons,My Kingdom is not the kingdom of man made traditions......I move forward always i am moving,testing,postioning ,warning because I want My people to have a heart for Only Me....My daughter,the turning of the hour glass upside down,is two fold......many things in the world kingdom are upside down,they are falling apart,the foundation is cracking,crumbling right before your very eyes,did I not say this would happen?did I not warn you of wars and rumors of wars,of disease and sicknes when a people or a nation turn their back on Me and fall away.......I will NOT bless or tolerate sin anymore,just like other nations that have rebelled,I will smite these nations that have false gods before them.taht work out of the flesh,oh you think you are so smart but you have not reckoned with Meand the cup of My wrath is almost full......I tell you now repent for much worse is coming and i will carry fire such as the world has not known........Come back to Me quickly before it is tooo late......Time is closing and I have long gave mercy and extended grace and that time is soon going to be over.......This was very heavy and I sensed in my spirit warnings are going to become much heavier,if you know your God,this should move you to pray for those,many are turning their backs on God and allowing the world to over take them,some are in coubt about there faith.....I have wept and cried and sometimes the tears come because I know and have seen Jesus (Yeshua)tears when someone has turned from Him....(You know the two shortest words in the bible:Jesus wept) should inspire us to ress in close to Him,have a heart open to Him,let Me tell you right now ,that is is NOT Gods desire to see souls going to hell,it is NOT,but people are, because they have given into the pressures of life,and just dont care anymore,satan is trying to weary the saints,doing everything in his power because he knows his time is short,listen,even satan in the end will have to bow his knee and confess that Jesus (Yeshua) is King....Right now,I want to stop and encourage people to pray,,,,,even if it is your first time,or your seasoned or just coming backto Jesus(Yeshua),please dont allow the enemy access......deliverance,ask someone to help you with this if need be ,but saturate your self in the word,get into a bible study where truth is prevailing only because where there is like kind faith and when the battle is given over to Him,victory is assured........There are opportunities available,I have talked about divine connections being made,these are people ,SAINTS Tof God that are in a place to help the people in their relationships,problems they may be having questions that need answers,and,to be servants to the servant,humble ,a heart that has been broken and restored by Abba,a heart full of gratitude for what He has done,flesh that has been stripped by Abba so that nothing stands between us and Him in a pure ,intimate relationship.... Now I felt that Jeusu (yeshua) wanted me to elaborate on the above before we move on to the other part......sooooooooo,when the hour glass is turned,I was shown the Five Fold Ministries just bursting out,they had long been ready to go and were waiting for Jesus(Yeshua)to say GO an these ministries were placed in all four corners of the globe with all the gifts being functional and in place......and the glory fell and every part of the body of Christ knew there place and fell into unity and there was harmony and because of it,great signs and wonders came,peace ,that of the Father came for many,just a simple peace,a rest,that some people had never known......These are the kinds ofthings God has been showing Me.......It is coming,but let it be in His time,His way.....Be content where you are and in a what I call Holy Ghost suddenly things will happen.... and it will not be contained........One thing I dont want to forget is that it is going to be soon and He was very serious ,and we are definitely going to see a shifting around the world take place........... Quick footnote: This is been in my heart and my spirit and i cant leave it along ,but please as I mentioned early above)We need to press it together and with Him closer now than ever before.......the ministries will be strategically placed to help in many ways,what ever God lays on your heart,He did show me a while back raising up of the dead,nations will be healed ,whole.He will do supernatural things coming out of the spiritual realm,deliverance will be done in even bigger way,(everything must come from Him we move ,we live and have our being in Him) ok,that s it and I give you all glory ,honor and praise Jesus(Yeshua) There will be more forth coming..
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:47:48 +0000

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