Shalom Family of YAH ~ There a burden on my heart and mind to - TopicsExpress


Shalom Family of YAH ~ There a burden on my heart and mind to endeavor to help clarify something about this DANGER. That is, that both the Messianic and Hebraic Roots groups are trying to STEAL AWAY the FAITH delivered to you by way of YahHuSha HaMoshiach. Who called us BACK to Moshe and the Prophets in order to see the requirements YaHuWah has placed upon us. Many people dont understand the word TALMUD, thinking it only means the COMPILED writings we NOW know as the BOOK off Talmud. Much confusion abounds with regard to the two-fold use of this word. Some are unaware that WELL PRIOR to this book being compiled, the TEACHINGS of the Rabbis written in it, were being TAUGHT in the land in place of the TRUE Words of the Fathers Covenant with us ~ those who will inherit the Kingdom of YahHuSha and be restored to the Land of Israel! Heres an example of the evidence these teachings were usurping Fathers words while YahHuSha walked in Jerusalem. Do you recall the time when the Son bent down and spat on the ground to make mud to heal the blind mans eyes? And how irate the Pharisees and Saducees got when He did that? Well thats because the Rabbis had been teaching the people their OPINIONS and claimed, that even making MUD with your SPIT on Shabbat was breaking one of Moshes oral Laws. Youll find this law of THEIRS now written down in this book they later compiled to try to add weight to THEIR oral teachings. YahHuSha validated these things for us ~ The Book of the Covenant, sometimes called the Book of the Law which is Devarim, aka Deuteronomy and the Prophets. He made clear the Levitical Covenant (aka Levitical Law) and Rabbinical Laws (aka ORAL Talmud, now written down in a book called Talmud) were NOT APPLICABLE TO US any more. He confirmed ( along with His Apostles including Shaul/Paul) that these things being taught as COMMANDMENTS (The theologies/doctrines and TRADITIONS of the Jewish Religion) were NOT RIGHT. When you fully understand this revelation then, youll fully understand why the Messianic and Hebraic Roots movements have LIED to you and worked soo hard to discredit Brother Shaul. Because Family, THEY started the Paul is an apostate lies. I was among their ranks back in 2003, when this began. THESE TWO GROUPS are doing what this article describes ... They are trying to bring you BACK under a Covenant which does NOT APPLY TO US, in this generation. STUDY the Book of the Covenant/Law ... Devarim, and the Prophets. Because it wasnt until AFTER the Son resurrected that He even revealed this hidden mystery with clarity to His Apostles; Shaul then was given this revelation years later by YahHuSha Himself so that he could go and teach it to the LOST TRIBES, aka Gentiles, aka Nations. The NATIONS are where the descendants of Abraham were scattered to. The NATIONS are whose being gathered now. The SHEEP of Lost Tribes are (aka EPHRAIM!!) are who are being redeemed in these days!! And when the FULLNESS of the NATIONS are brought in ... TIME OVER! Selah and Shalom YahSharal, wher EVER you may live!! Dont let them STEAL YOUR INHERITANCE!! Obey FATHERS words!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:25:53 +0000

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