Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel, REALITY OF THE SIZE OF - TopicsExpress


Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel, REALITY OF THE SIZE OF ISRAEL VERSES ARAB NATION BULLIES! THEY the Muslim Nations want to OBLITERATE ISRAEL but they will fail! JESUS is shown as the present PERPETUAL RULER who sits on the Throne of David! HE WILL SHOW HIS GLORY AGAINST THE LATEST PHAROAH LEADER OF THE ISLAMIC FRONT! They will be caught in their own wicked games. They cannot escape! We believe that the Lord laid a heavy burden on our hearts to write this article. The rise of radical Islam and persecutions of Christians and Jews are on the increase …and will continue to be so! And, we believe whole heartedly that it is His desire that we share this message urgently… When the Lord called us into full time ministry eighteen years ago …before Israel, we lived seven years in Turkey - first in the capital Ankara and then in the East of Turkey where we were placed in the very heart of Islam. Those who know us also know that it cost us serving time in a Turkish prison and much persecution for sharing the Word of God and handing out Bibles. But, we believe that Turkey was exactly where the Lord wanted us to be at that time so that we could learn to know all about Islam and to understand exactly the dangerous threats that Israel and the West faces today! For many years here in Israel we have witnessed God working in an amazing way in our lives and in this land where tiny Israel faces growing threats of annihilation on a regular basis… like a ticking time bomb and not knowing when it’s going to explode! We will never forget three of our friends, Turkish Christians Necati Aydin and Ugur Yukset, and German Christian Tilmann Geske were tortured and murdered in Malatya, southeast Turkey, just for being Christians. Seven long years have passed since they were found dead with stab wounds, their throats slit and bodies mutilated on April 18, 2007 …and sadly the Malatya trial’s 93rd hearing has once again been postponed for yet another date while the five Turkish Islamist murderers who were arrested at the Zirve Christian publishing house in Malatya just minutes after the victims were found are walking free! Memorial graveside services were held on the 18th of April, 2014 in Malatya at the grave of Tilmann Geske and in the nearby village cemetery where Ugur Yuksel is buried. Another service was held in the Aegean coast city of Izmir at the grave of Necati Aydin who pastored the Malatyafellowship until his untimely and painful death. We are to speak up for the Christians and Jews who are suffering persecution… The Bible tells us in;Proverbs 31:8, Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. So what does this passage mean…? The most widespread oppression in the world today is the oppression of Christians and Jews by Muslims.And yet, for some reason, the world’s foremost human rights crisis is rarely noticed, let alone opposed! A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other… the flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year. In our lifetime alone Christians might disappear altogether from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt. Most of what we now think of as the Muslim world was inhabited by Christians long before Islam came into being. Now, in one country after another, Christians are being exterminated. Syria is the most recent case in point. Often forgotten is that, in the 7th century, half of the world’s entire Christian population was spread across what is now nonchalantly called the Muslim world. Then Islam, born in the deserts of Arabia, burst out in a series of world-altering jihads, conquering and slowly transforming these once Christian nations into Islamic nations. In order to evade sporadic persecution and constant discrimination, over the centuries most Christians converted, while others fled. A few opted to remain Christian and live as barely tolerated third-class subjects, or dhimmis, according to Shariah law. Israel stands in the way of the march of the Islamic Jihad towards the Western World. Israel is today, like a fishbone stuck in the Muslim jihadist’s throat and howsoever hard the Islamic jihadists try they have NOT been able to spit out Israel from the Middle East. What makes Israel unbearable is the fact that Muslims have always been at the forefront of grabbing non-Muslim lands and declaring themselves to be legitimate and permanent Muslim land once it fell prey to the claws of the Muslims. Israel is one case of the reverse being true. Muslims want to drive Jewish people out of the Holy land, and re-occupy it, although the land originally belonged to the Jewish people since Biblical times. The time has come to expose the growing worldwide threat of Islam… The earnest goal of Islam, set forth in the Koran, remains as always to bring all mankind into submission and to kill or enslave all infidels. We who are able to speak must speak on their behalf. We must represent them before the world. What does it mean to speak up for the persecuted…? To begin with, don’t remain silent! Many Christians are horrified and against the persecution of Christians, and many also for the Jewish people …but you wouldn’t know it! They just never comment on it and hardly mention it in conversation or speech. Many Christian leaders, including pastors, say little about our persecuted Christian family; they too are silent. But that’s not right; we must speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. In counties of extreme persecution, their voices are silenced or ignored. When one hears the word destitute, many imagine poverty… But, this word also means; deserted and abandoned, deprived of, devoid of, or lacking. Persecuted Christians and Jews certainly fit this description.We must begin to talk about persecution with other people – informing those unaware and explaining how wrong it is. We are not to be afraid, nor be intimidated. Yes, it’s a hard thing to hear and many may be uncomfortable with this topic. We can’t remain silent or else many more will suffer! We need all to learn how Christians are being affected and who is doing the persecuting and their reasoning for this abuse... It’s an emotional topic! Too many are tempted to… stick to ourselves and defend our own rights, but less inclined to stand up for the rights of others. This mindset imagines that everyone is responsible for taking care of their own business. And certainly that’s normally the case. Most of the many challenges we face are easily handled on our own. But sometimes that normal procedure doesn’t work… sometimes we have to intervene on behalf of others because through oppression …they are silenced! This is the case for many Christians in the world. Millions do not have or are at risk of losing the very freedoms we enjoy, but rarely consider. Many are living under the threat of Islamic persecution, slavery and even death. Can you imagine what that is like…? Who will defend the rights of those abused, when they are not allowed to defend themselves or their words are irrelevant…? Many times they are afraid to even file a police report due to further persecution and little protection from the authorities. Many times these authorities are the very ones doing the persecuting. The list goes on and on. Muslim anti-Christian violence has reached genocide proportions. The ‘moderate’ Muslim state is a myth…! As you read this, Christians around the world are being murdered, raped, plundered, abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, or otherwise oppressed by Muslims. Christians in Muslim-majority areas are some of the most vulnerable and horribly oppressed people on Earth …they live at the mercy of the mob and receive little or no protection from the police or other government institutions. The reach of this silent tragedy is sweeping …a global religious genocide on slow burn with occasional flare-ups that make it into the mainstream media. There are an estimated 100 million persecuted Christians.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 14:32:18 +0000

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