Shalom Shalom! The Sabbath - Holy Day We are in the most - TopicsExpress


Shalom Shalom! The Sabbath - Holy Day We are in the most important season to remember how Yeshua must remain our focus and the cornerstone of our faith. The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. Psalm 118:22 What better place to begin than the beginning? In the beginning Yahveh spoke the universe into existence. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. Genesis 2:1. All of physical creation was completed. But one thing remained. On the sixth day Yahveh made Adam, who was then given the task of naming the animals. Having found no helper suitable for Adam among them, Yahveh then made Eve from Adam’s rib, and performed the first marriage. Made woman from the closest place of man’s heart. Teaching Adam the act of love and to appreciate her as from his own flesh. Their honeymoon was in the most beautiful place on earth, in the most beautiful company possible, our God Almighty. On the seventh day Yahveh finished His work which he had done. Genesis 2:2 The seventh day was the crowning act of creation. It, like the other works which Yahveh had done, was a special creative act. But it was more. It was to be the most special time, set aside forever. Then Yahveh blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which He had created and made. Genesis 2:3 When Yahveh blessed the seventh day, He set it aside for man to use for “holy purposes”. Yahveh did not need such a holy day in that He personifies holiness, and all he does is holy. The seventh day was holy beyond any holiness that might be attributed to the rest of creation. While Adam and Eve were to protect all of creation as Yahveh’s own property, they were to be especially careful to guard the seventh day. In a sense, the seventh day was not merely just made a holy day, it was made “especially holy”, as Yahveh demonstrated the first day of Shabbat. Yahveh gave Adam and Eve a solemn first day of rest. Sabbath is a day to rest or cease from labor. But man requires by his very nature a time set apart for holy purposes, to meet with his creator, separate from the needs of the rest of the week. Such a time is holy to Yahveh, defined by Yahveh’s sovereign act of consecration. Adam and Eve were created in a covenant relationship with their creator and maker. We know that they were to keep the Garden as stated in Genesis 2:15, observe the Sabbath Genesis 2:2-3, cleave to each other as husband and wife Genesis 2:24, and not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil as stated in Genesis 2:16-17. As long as they observed their part of the covenant, Yahveh would allow them to live forever. Failure to obedience would begin the process of death Genesis 2:17. The weekly sabbatical visit with their maker was the sign that the covenant was being observed. On the very first Sabbath, man was in perfect communion with Yahweh. Then man was unable to keep the Sabbath appointment with Yahveh, and that signified the broken covenant. As we will see later, the Sabbath has always been the sign of obedience to Yahveh’s covenant, and will be until Yeshua returns in all glory to redeem us all. The New Testament directly comments regarding the Sabbath’s origin in Eden. And Yahveh said to them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Consequently, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. Mark 2:27-28 Reading Genesis once again we notice the fall of man through the disobedience not obeying Yahveh’s covenant. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the things we learn in the scripture and yet miss the true contents at the same time. If you understand the concepts of the kingdom of Yahveh, you can better understand Yeshua, His ministry, and the mind of Yahveh. Satan took over in the Garden of Eden. Adam, (not beguiled as Eve was), was guilty of treason. Treason, in any kingdom, is worthy of a death penalty. They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters Jeremiah 2:13 and 17:13 Ignoring the son (Yeshua Ha’Maschiach) of Yahveh and not accepting Him as the son of Yahveh makes us guilty of treason. The Torah (Scriptures) is void and empty as an empty garden (heart) without Yeshua. When Yahveh created the Garden, He formed four head waters that flowed from Eden to all the earth. These waters of Eden are the spiritual source of all waters. It is through the waters of the Mikvah (water purification) whose spiritual source is Eden, that man can find his way back to Yahveh. Yeshua gave us un understanding of water in John 4:14 “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Next reading:- How the Word became flesh. Be blessed and stay blessed
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:13:07 +0000

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