Shalom and Hello Everyone - there is so much going on in regards - TopicsExpress


Shalom and Hello Everyone - there is so much going on in regards to end-time events; gross and intentional injustice, natural disasters, frightening diseases, extreme government corruption, devastating war, GMO and chemical poisoning of our food chain, police brutality, the implementation of a NWO agenda to murder billions of people and enslave the rest, alien visitation increasing with frequency, increase in widespread demonic possession, increase in overt satanism, great deceptions, general apostasy and zombie like behavior of many, etc. All of this can be overwhelming and is likened to the theme of Pharoah trying to enslave and entrap the ancient Hebrew peoples. If you are a descendant of Noah - which all mankind is, then your roots trace back to Adam and Eve (Chava) as well as Noah. Be aware though, that a part of mankind has the seed of the Nephilim (fallen angels) mixed into their genetic makeup and are no longer redeemable and will always be inclined to do evil. While fallen man is redeemable by Messiah, once an angelic being is fallen, they are not redeemable. Given this, there is whats called an end times Greater Exodus and Great Tribulation. Each one of us will fall into one of these two main groups. We will either be a part of the Great Exodus of the Last Days to be set free from Pharoahs agenda above or get catapulted into Great Tribulation where you will be tortured, killed and/or enslaved by the Pharoah or Man of Sin of the Last Days. Yes, there will be many who survive through the Great Tribulation even though they do not make it into the Greater Exodus. Their suffering will be much. How much, only the Father knows. Be sure to Like SolomonsPorch.TV page in order to be kept abreast of key events, learn fundamental Biblical truths to give you keener discernment, and to here the sounding of the Trumpets which are warnings and alerts to help you better seek The LORD God (Yahuah Elohim). Yakov Levi SolomonsPorch.TV
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:53:45 +0000

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