Shalom to all, When one attains scholarship in a particular - TopicsExpress


Shalom to all, When one attains scholarship in a particular area of Truth, its easy to discern a novice from an intiate. Thus, it is the responsibility of those who are astute in a particular branch of Truth, to reject the pseudo scholarship of those who are attempting to exercise some semblance of authority in it, without having the appropriate scholarship in it. As a fluent Biblical Hebrew סופר scholar, I dont allow anyone in my presence to speak authoritatively on the Hebrew language, without exemplifying some basic baseline scholarship in it. We cannot allow Anyone to tell us what our language conveys, as teachers of Hebraic vernacular, we are the authority and therefore we will tell those who exist outside of the Hebraic baromoters what our language conveys, Not vice versa. As we draw near to putting Kemet on trial, I will slowly but surely dispel many of the myths that they arrogate to themselves and others. That being noted, lets talk about the Hebrew word for Egypt and define it Hebraicly. The Hebrew word for Egypt is Mitzraim מצרים, which is a masculine plural noun in Hebrew. It stems from a Hebraic root which means to bind (shackle or imprison), to be bound or a boundary, and lastly it means bondage, servitude, or slavery. The above descriptions align perfectly with the Torahs appellations and synonyms for Ancient Egypt or Kemet. Within the Torah, Egypt known in Hebrew as Mitzraim מצרים, is synonymous with BONDAGE and servitude (Slavery). There are at least 13 references in the Torah to Egypt מצרים as being the House of Bondage: (Exodus:13:3, Exodus:13:14, Exodus:20:2, Deuteronomy:5:6, Deuteronomy:6:12, Deuteronomy:7:8, Deuteronomy:8:14, Deuteronomy:13:6, Deuteronomy:13:11, Joshua:24:17, Judges:6:8, Jeremiah:34:13, Micah:6:4). So whenever Egypt or in Hebrew Mitzraim is mentioned in the Torah, it is synonymous with physical and mental Bondage (Slavery). The common mind will view the above as slander, as opposed to viewing it from the spectacles of those (Hebrews) who endured it (Slavery in Egypt). Do remember, outside of Kemet (Egypt), the Torah is one of thee ONLY primary sources which preserves the ancestral Name of Egypt. The name Egypt is of Greek origin, coming from the Greek word Aegyptos, which is a Greek transliteration of the Kemetic phrase: Het-Ka-Ptah. Het means place and Ka means: the physical projection of the soul, not the body, which is the character or aura that attaches itself to the body. Yet, the Ancient peoples of Egypt, referred to themselves as Khem, the T sound of Keme(t), being a much later derivation, hence they originally spoke of themselves as the people of Khem, which in the Medu Neter means the Black land, alluding to the fertile soil around the Nile river, which as it flooded annually, left Rich alluvial deposits of thick BLACK soil. Well, guess what... The Torah refers to Egypt as the land of Kham חם as well (Psalms:105:23), except when the Torah does so, it takes it a step further into the annals of History, for the biblical Kham חם is the father or progenitor of Mitzraim מצרים (Egypt/Kham - Genesis:10:6). So not ONLY does the Torah preserve the ancestral Name of Ancient Khemet (Egypt), But it also names its founding father, the Biblical Kham חם and gives us the True name of Egypt which is Mitzraim מצרים. This is why, All of the Asiatic kingdoms refer to Egypt/Khemet as Misar (Arabic), Mitzraim (Hebrew), & Mistre (Cuneiform/Babylonian). This points to the fact that the Semitic Kingdoms have a much older and accurate tradition of Khemets True lineage, ancestry, and origin. One of the meanings of Mitzraim or Egypt in Hebrew is a boundary or strait. Yet, when closely assessing or examining the root word in Hebrew for Mitzraim מצרים, we see a much deeper meaning. The sages of the Torah teach that most of the names listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis chapter 10, contain a prophecy which is implicit in there very Name. Thus Egypt or Khemet חמת, is known in the Torah as Mitzraim because Ancient Khemet would grow to be a place which spiritually and physically enslaved many peoples and nations and the duality or plurality in its Hebraic root, conveys the idea that there would rise a Nation (America) who would emulate the Ancient practices of Khemet and use it to again enslave many nations. For the word Mitzraim מצרים in Hebrew is based on a trilateral root, which is Mtzr מצר, which literally in Hebrew means to bind with a rope (imprison) as well as literally denoting a Slave or Slavery. In closing, we are the Authority on our doctrine of Torah, we therefore cannot allow anyone to dictate the meaning of our language (Hebrew) or doctrine (Torah), especially in an authoritative mode or tone. Egypt literally means Bondage (Slavery) in Hebrew מצרים. Thus saith the Torah. PERIOD!!!!! Written: Avdiel Ben Levi Aka Zion Lexx of Learn Torah.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:38:19 +0000

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