Shalom to you in Jesus mighty name. I felt led to share this - TopicsExpress


Shalom to you in Jesus mighty name. I felt led to share this thought from our archives (with slight edits), knowing full well that God has something to say to YOU in particular at this point in time. Receive with meekness the engrafted word and be blessed. -Olufunso FULL DAYS, FULL LIFE By Olufunso Joseph Omidiran “Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in good old age, an old man full of years: and was gathered to his people” (Genesis 25:8). “And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died and was gathered unto his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him” (Genesis 35:28,29). There is a peculiar feature in the scriptures outlined above─ these two Patriarchs (Abraham and Isaac) have a testimony of long life─ that is, ‘good old age’ or being ‘full of days’ or ‘full of years’. Their testimony is just the same. However, a casual Bible reader may just leave it at that level only. But if we look well we will see that this duo are said to be ‘old’ and ‘full’. Look well please! Abraham is referred to as ‘an old man full of years’. Doesn’t this sound like mere tautology? Not so! Again Isaac is described as ‘being old and full of days’. Is this not another characteristic Hebraic tautology or mere repetition? Again, Not so! These statements simply show us that being old aged and HAVING FULL DAYS OR YEARS IN LIFE are two different things. The days of these men were not empty in life; they were not days of aimless, worthless vanities before the Almighty. They were full days. Long life is a good privilege from God, but not all men do have it. Full life is yet better. Abraham and Isaac enjoyed long and full life at the same time. Splendid! But listen, A LONG WASTED LIFE IS A HOPELESS DRAB OR BOREDOM. ONE MAY AS WELL BE BUSY DOING NOTHING. GOD HATES THIS! Merely occupying space on earth isn’t a sign of good living! God wants us to not only exist…. He is delighted in our having full days or years, no matter how long we live on earth. ‘Full days’ or ‘full years’ simply imply days or years meaningfully spent to the glory of God, time not wasted, and a life not given to mere frivolity, futility or vanity. In short, it is a value added life of substance and significance. Our days on earth are full when we take total advantage of God’s grace and fulfil our purpose in destiny. How have you been spending your limited time on earth? Are you on deficit or on the fruitful run? Do you know that every time you spend shall be accounted for? God wants all of us to be full of days, no matter how long or short we stay on this ephemeral side of life. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ spent just about 33 years in the flesh and He had full days of full years. His days were full in the sense that He accomplished ALL that the heavens ordained: nothing went amiss. Full days are days of walking in the fullness of God’s life (John 10:10).To what extent have you been taking advantage of God’s unlimited life (Gk. Zoe) in this limited world? Thank God, you are still alive and your journey on earth isn’t yet ended; but, have your days or years been full thus far? Do you know that Jesus was a great success, although He didn’t come into this world to amass worldly wealth? His life was that of both simplicity and quality (all combined together). He did not come short in terms of divine purpose and expectation for His life. This is true success. We don’t have anybody else worthy of emulation like Jesus Christ. By man’s calculation, His life seemed short and tragic, but in reality, His death on the cross was part of what He exactly came to do! He is the Greatest Success Story ever told! Whatever ‘success’ modern preachers are preaching today, the message is incomplete without Christ as the Focus and Foundation. The Cross of Christ is the yardstick for true success. BACK TO ABRAHAM AND ISAAC These men walked with God. They played their parts so well in God’s prophetic and eternal agenda. They were so successful because they were OBEDIENT and FAITHFUL before God. They were ready to go where the Lord bade them, to do what the Lord commanded. Not just staying for so long in this world, but to keep faith with God who is the Owner of life. Life is a gift. It should be well spent in the perfect will of God. NOW LET’S HEAR JACOB’S TESTIMONY: “The days of my years of pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years; few and evil have the day of years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage” (Genesis 47:9). Jacob’s words here are not few. He did not feel fulfilled with his life as yet. Although he lived for more years after this gloomy tale, but as at the age of 130 years, he was unfulfilled in life; whereas, his fathers were of full days. He was to spend an additional 17 years after this lamentation: he died at the ripe old age of 147 (Genesis 47:28). Unlike his father, when he died he was not said to be full of days. Only God know why! Interestingly, Abraham died at the age of 175 years (Genesis 25:7) and Isaac died at the age of 180 years (Genesis 35:28). The two men who had full days were also blessed with long life. So, it is possible to have both long and full life at the same time. BE WISE Wisdom entails that we put in our best at every opportunity God gives us to stand for Him in this life. We should know that there may not be an excuse for failure and time may not permit us to undo all evil deeds ever done. Finally, we should be wise with the use of the body, so that we don’t send it to an early or needless grave. We must walk in wisdom, faithfulness and obedience to God so as to enjoy long, full life. Shalom
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:20:58 +0000

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