Shane and I have been friends for over 28 years and when I heard - TopicsExpress


Shane and I have been friends for over 28 years and when I heard about this tragedy I couldn’t get here fast enough. Years ago Shane gave me permission to speak into his kids lives as if they were my own and I accept that request with great honor and I pray that I speak truth and wisdom into his kids lives as they grow into men and women. Shane asked that read a Bible verse or quote that I felt best represented Brodie. I don’t know if a verse or two would give Brodie justice so instead I thought I would share a story. This story begins in 1 Samual16:7 “ Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature… God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’ Brodie Benjamin Gorder was born on September 6th, 2004. After viewing all the sons of Jesse, Samuel asked “are these all the boys you have”. And the coaches from across the state gathered. They were preparing for Grand Nationals in Santa Fe and they wanted to put together their team, a team of athletes that would represent Montana. Brodie was chosen to represent Montana and compete at the 60lb weight class in the bantam division Now David’s older brothers were in the battle with their king, Saul. Jesse asked David to take them some cheese and bread and bring back a report of the battle, like any loving father who longs for his boys to return home safely So Brodie took his big brothers, Brennan and Brady some Gatorade and a snickers. These two older brothers were warriors, they were their fathers sons and their mothers precious boys. Brodie looked up to them, sweaty and exhausted from battle, and he longed to go into battle himself some day. And upon giving the refreshments to his older brothers a commotion broke out. What is this I hear, king Saul is going to give his daughter’s hand in marriage to anyone who can slay the giant, and beat the Philistines? What, is this really correct?, He asked his oldest brother. Brennan looked down at little Brodie and explained that yes he had heard correctly. Coach Mike was offering $5 to anyone who could earn a 5 point throw, and that this throw could only be done by the greatest of athletes, where you threw your opponent from his feet directly to his back while bringing his feet above his own hips. And now you should return to the bleachers and sit with mom. The talk was out, the athletes had high hopes the adrenalin was pumping yet no one could achieve such a throw. So king Saul was losing hope, hope that some one could possible slay this giant called Goliath of Gath, Brodie was ruddy and had beautiful eyes he left the bleachers and the safety of his mom He walked up to Shane, grabbed his hand, and said I am up in two. But king Saul looked at the little boy and said how will you slay this giant. And David replied, “when I tend my fathers sheep the loin and the bear come to harm them so I chase them, grab them by the beard and slay them.’ Dad, I have wrested every kind of champion out their, state, regional, and even national champs. I have traveled all over the country. My brothers have gone before me, they have showed me how. I am not afraid. I will not let this Philistine curse the living God, my God!! “All right son, I will be right over go get warmed up.” Is what Shane said, but in his heart he said so much more, ‘ I love you son! No matter what, win or lose, I just want you to do your best. Have fun and above all play with sportsmanship, always by the rules and always with humility” So Saul clothed David with his armor and put a bronze helmet on his head. But David could not move, this gear he had not tested. Brodie was all warmed up, he took off his sweat pants and hoodie. He laced up his shoes and shouldered his singlet. The giant stepped onto the field and began to hurl more insults at the Isrealite camp. “Am I a dog they you come at me with a stick! Come to me I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field. Brodied hurled back, “I will be right there,” as he put on his ankle marker, grabbed his headgear and ran onto the mat. He looked into his opponents eyes and the two shook hands. The whistle blew. The match had begun. Now David grabbed 5 smooth stones and ran at the giant. He loaded his sling and hurled a stone that struck the giant directly between the eyes. The rock sunk deep and the giant fell. Brodie was setting his opponent up. He shifted one way the opponent shifted the other just as Brodie had anticipated. He locked up his grip, loaded his hips and threw him. Feet over hips, directly to his back he fell. David did not have a sward so he grabbed the dead giants and cut of his head with it. He lifted the head up in honor, for God and his king. He took the head to the king and laid it at his feet. The ref awarded the coveted 5 point throw. It was an automatic pin. Brodie had won, the ref raised his hand high, a raised hand of a champion and Brodie looked at his father who was coaching and mother who was watching just beyond that.. Brodie ran off the mat and jumped into his fathers arms then turned to his mother who hugged him so, the way only mothers know how. The kind of hug that makes everything else go away. Shane looked at his son and said, ‘well done, Well done” the two words any man longs to hear from his Father. The Isrealites defeated the Philistines that day and David was given his prize. Mike Stokes gave Brodie the $5. Brodie was the only wrestler to receive a 5 point throw for team Montana that weekend. The Lord found great favor in David, for He knew his heart. It was a heart after God Himself. And everywhere David went he prospered. His kingdom became great, his name even greater. And although Brodie is no longer with us he will always be remembered. His name will be placed on the grease board for those who come behind him to see and ask, “who was this boy?’ And they will tell them, that is Brodie Gorder, he comes from a long line of wrestlers. He was a champion. He defeated giants and national champs. He was a national champ himself. He loved to wrestle. He had a smile that would light up a room, and when he laid his head back to laugh he would chuckle just so. He had the fearless spirit of a boy who was loved, he was his fathers son and his others precious boy. We don’t know why the Lord took him that day. Some questions never get answered. I pray that his death was not in vain. I stand before the gates of hell with full authority and justified in the blood of Christ Jesus to command the forces of the dark world to leave this family alone. In the quiet, when everyone goes home and life continues, because life must go on, Satan you are not welcome here your lies will not stick, your tricks will not infect this family. I ask that God will bring comfort. I will trust in your word, and You honor Your word.God will whisper in the quiet, I loved Brodie too and I needed him. I love you too; Shane, Lisa, Brennan, Jalyssa, Brady, Brielle, and Greyson, remember I sent my One and Only Son to die for whoever believes with their heart and confesses with their mouth. They will have eternal life and they will see Brodie again when their time is up on this earth that I created. I created heaven for children such, it’s the innocence of the child in you that I love. Remember, on the seventh day, when all my work was done I sat back and reflected on all that I had made and I found my delight in the hearts of man. I created man for relationship. Just as my Son told you, ‘Love God and love people.” These two are the greatest of the commandments. Two weeks before the Lord took Brodie we ate pancakes together, just he and I, at the 4H booth at the Sidney fair. I will miss you Brodie and I will never forget you. With love, uncle Danny.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:24:40 +0000

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