Shanker Manoj Kumar It is unfortunate that C.P.Radakrishnan has - TopicsExpress


Shanker Manoj Kumar It is unfortunate that C.P.Radakrishnan has once again been announced as the Coimbatore Loksabha constituency.Hindus with self respect will never vote for him. Inspite of a Modi wave engulfing the whole nation, TN unit of the BJP has failed to encash on it. The state leaders are totally out of sinc with the grass root workers. They have failed to read the writing on the wall. The recent resurgence of BJP is only due to Narendra Modi. Omar Abdullah had stated , whether Modi will become the future PM or not is secondary but the very announcement of him as the party’s PM candidate has boosted the morale of the party workers at the grass root level and brought them back to the party’s fold. They are the so called hardcore Hindutva workers. Without their support no BJP candidate can win the polls. When Omar Abdullah can understand this , why does’nt the TN unit of BJP realize this fact. Today the people who worked hard for the party and brought it to this stage have been sidelined. No other party would have sufferd so much blood shed & loss of lives. The people who laid down their lives for the party and their families are forgotten. Now coming back to CPR, we have seen his performance in the past tenure as MP. He won the seat after the serial bomb blasts that rocked Coimbatore city during L.K.Advani’s visit on Feb 14, 1998, in which many innocent Hindu’s lost their lives.Many Hindu organization workers were arrested and remanded to judicial custody and sent to jail. 20 workers were detained under the National Security Act (NSA). What did CPR do for these people. If he had, he would not have lost his seat in 2004 . Secondly what has he done for the welfare of the workers who returned from jail. He bertrayed the people who were instrumental in making him an MP. He started posing himself as a secularist, and hosted an Iftar party for the minority community by donning a skull cap worn by muslims at Imperial hotel in Egmore, Chennai. In 2003 during a communal riot that rocked Tirpur, many Hindus were injured and hospitalized. CPR instead of visiting the affected Hindus was more worried to upkeep his secular image , was distributing rice, dal & cash to the muslims who were responsible for the riots, through his back door at his residence at Tirpur. In a press meet in 2004 after his defeat in the then concluded Lok sabha elections, he declared that he lost because of Narendra Modi and the riots in Gujarat post Godhra . Ironically BJP and Narendra Modi won in Gujarat, but poor Moulana Mohamed CPR lost in Coimbatore due to the Godhra riots. It was a great joke of the time. A close scrutinisation of the Tamil papers after the Loksabha elections in 2004 will reveal this fact. Now CPR seems to be all praise for Modi. He has realized now that he can ride on the Modi wave & become an MP. Hence all Hindus who have self respect should reject CPR and bring a worker from the grass root level as the candidate. A worker who went to jail for the sake of Hindu nationalism should be the candidate. If CPR is so hell bent on proving his secular credentials ask him to contest with a ticket of SDPI, Popular front, DMK,MMK or even the Muslim league. CPR is the only MP from TN who returned the MP constituency development fund , which shows his incapacity to use the funds judiciously for the development of his constituency. His brother –in-law was holding the sway in the party. No grass root level workers were entertained to meet CPR. His relatives were key brokers of major development projects brought in by the Vajpayee Govt. Only sycophants ruled the roost. Aspirations of the youngsters were buried. No positive welfare scheme on a long term basis were taken up. There was no emphasis to check corruption. No new industries were introduced . When SR.Sekar could be appointed as the Chairman of Chennai port trust, why could he not have give similar central govt postings to the next a kin of so many Hindus who lost their lives or went to jail. Hope this message is brought to the knowledge of Modi. If the BJP has to make substantial gains in TN the present state leadership should be revamped, and overhauled. People like L.Ganesh should be given VRS forcibly. They are unable to clinch
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:49:08 +0000

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