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Share Share > make this viral Oh I love my home State BREAKING: Georgia Officially Demands a “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama It’s finally happening. Several weeks ago, Georgia’s House voted for a resolution to bring about a “Convention of the States” to stop Obama and end the growth of federal tyranny. Now, the state has officially demanded that it does happen. This is the first official demand in American history. This could be the great political shift that stops out of control federal taxing, spending, and regulating. Term limits, balanced budgets, tax caps — it’s all now possible if enough states move forward. Expect the hatred and the attacks from the left to pick up steam over the next few months as more and more states consider filing their own “Convention of the States” application. From ConventionOfTheStates: Earlier this afternoon, Georgia become the first state in American history to pass the Convention of States application to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. The House voted to approve the Senate’s version of the resolution by a vote of 107-58. “I am pleased that the Georgia legislature has given voice to the frustrations of millions of Georgians,” said State Sen. Cecil Staton (R-Macon), the resolution’s primary sponsor. “Enough is enough. It is time to impose fiscal and other restraints on our runaway federal government. We urge other states to join us.” “We Georgians have become the hope of the Nation today,” said Jacqueline Peterson, the Georgia State Director for the Convention of States Project. “Many thanks to our State Legislators for standing for Liberty. May God bless us, every single one!” Our deepest thanks go to our volunteers in Georgia. They took a stand for self-governance, and history will remember what happened in Georgia today. Because they decided to write a letter, make a call, attend a hearing, or meet with their state representative, they can tell their children and grandchildren they made a difference in the fight to preserve liberty. We expect many more states to follow Georgia’s lead in the months ahead. These are historic times—I encourage you to remember this day and what it will mean for the future of our great country. Click here to see what’s happening and what’s at stake. This movement is a movement of the people and by the people. We need you to spread this story like wildfire and make sure that the states keep up the pressure and demand the convention. We WILL stop Barack Obama’s movement to destroy the American Republic. Click here to share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Read This Next: REBELLION: Georgia House Passes “Convention of the States” Application The “Convention of the States” Movement Against Obama is Exploding Alabama Calls for “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama Georgia to Introduce Bill to Nullify Obamacare Yes, States Have the Constitutional Right to Nullify Obamacare Movement of State Lawmakers Trying to Force the Feds to Balance the Budget 30 Congressmen Sponsor Bill to Sue Barack Obama Multiple States Move Forward with Plan to Nullify Obama’s Gun Control Obama is Now Officially Arming the Syrian Rebels 11 States Bluntly Tell Obama His Obamacare “Fix” is Illegal Missouri is Organizing States to Rebel Against Anti-Gun Laws BREAKING: Democrats Change Rules so Obama Can Stack Courts (Video) Former Judge: States CAN “Gut Obamacare” on Their Own Full Text: The Constitution of the United States of America Forbes Editorial Demands Obama’s Impeachment… and Goes Viral
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:04:38 +0000

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