Share ko lang... The words of a photographer professor friend - TopicsExpress


Share ko lang... The words of a photographer professor friend at University of Missouri, If cameras were computers, Nikons would be PCs and Canons would be MACs. PCs are built for people not afraid of technology whereas Macs are built for people who want things super-easy. Nikons excel at customization options which means youll see so many more options with the Advanced features of a Nikon than you will with a Canon. Canons, on the other hand, excel at ease-of-use for beginners. Canons offer less advanced options and can be easier to learn on. This can be frustrating down the line, though, once youve learned a lot about photography. At that point you may want all of the options that Nikon offers and be frustrated with your Canon. If youre someone who really likes to delve deep into your hobbies or if youre intent on becoming a professional photographer, Id say a Nikon would be your best bet.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:27:38 +0000

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