Share this so we can do something about fraud in Christian - TopicsExpress


Share this so we can do something about fraud in Christian publishing and simultaneously stand with Beth & Alex Malarkey and those men who called Tyndale and Lifeway to repentance long before the story broke in secular media. WHEREAS, Tyndale House Publishers has fraudulently misrepresented the truth of God as it is represented in the Written and Incarnate Word through the publication and distribution of the book, The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven; and, WHEREAS, LifeWay Christian Resources and other Christian retailers participated in the fraud by selling the book to their customers when they knew or should have known the book was contrary to biblical doctrine and based on falsehood; and, WHEREAS, the inerrant Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the true Church of Jesus Christ have been held up to ridicule through no fault of their own by these deceptions; and, WHEREAS, unsuspecting people in need of true hope for the forgiveness of their sins have been misled through the actions of this publisher and these retail establishments who hold themselves out as trustworthy sources for Christian truth; and, WHEREAS, this publisher and these retail establishments have realized enormous profits at the expense of Alex Malarkey, a quadriplegic boy and the son of Beth Nachman Malarkey who was listed as a co-author of the book and yet did not share in the royalties from sales of the book; and, WHEREAS, numerous individuals, including Justin Peters Ministries, Phil Johnson, and the Pulpit and Pen Blog clearly called these errors and deceptions to their attention but were dismissed and marginalized in response; and WHEREAS, an international audience is now aware of these deceptions; and, WHEREAS, Zaccheus, a repentant tax collector, set a standard for repentance when he said to our Lord, If I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold (Luke 19:8); NOW THEREFORE, we call upon Tyndale, LifeWay, and all other Christian retailers to manifest the fruit of repentance in the following ways: 1. Issue an unconditional apology to Beth & Alex Malarkey for ignoring their pleas over many months until only the public outcry forced their response. 2. Establish a trust fund to the exclusive benefit of Alex Malarkey in the amount of $500,000, to be administered by someone appointed solely by Beth Malarkey, in keeping with the profits they have previously gained from the sale of this false and deceptive book. 3. Offer a full refund of the purchase price of the book to anyone who presents a physical copy of the book, along with a purchase credit worth three times the purchase price from the publisher or the retail establishment to which the book is presented. 4. Call upon all Christian publishers to renounce and immediately retract from the marketplace any books of what have come to be known as the heavenly tourism genre. 5. Discipline the editors and marketing team responsible for the production of the discredited book, The Boy Who Came Back to Heaven. Signed by: Far More Than 15
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 02:29:41 +0000

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