Share this with the Youngsters out there. Greater - TopicsExpress


Share this with the Youngsters out there. Greater Works-Ministries, Troy Wynn, Taneshel Sturn, Alisha Sturn Neal, Qushika Rumph OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE My mom had 3 children, one is deceased. Out of me and my other sister, she was more obedient. She was always helping my mom with the chores, no complaints or anything. I, on the other hand was disobedient, rebellious, and at times disrespectful. My mom taught us respect, I just allowed my outside influences to change my ways. Moral of the story is this; God wants us to honor our parents and in return our days will be long.... well heres some evidence to support the bible verse. My sister graduated high school with honors, perfect attendance. Shes only worked 3-4 jobs her whole life and each one progressed to be better. At the age of 34 shes purchased her 2nd home. She has earned her Masters Degree, and returning to school for her Doctors. I, on the other hand has struggled on every end to make things work, just gotta be honest. Though Im blessed, I put myself through a lot of mess. Because I strayed away from the foundation of obedience to my parents I established an unstable approach towards life. Starting things, and never finishing. Never committing to anything. Desperate attempts to make a living. Troubled pass, which limits me from getting certain jobs. I may seem ok now, but I know if had of been more obedient towards my mother my path wouldve been as successful as my sister. Im sure she was challenged on every end to accomplish her goals, but it wasnt messy and unstable. So take heed to how you treat your parents because Ive learned the long days are those filled with the fruits of obedience. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE. #obedienceisbetterthansacrifice
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:27:38 +0000

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