Share về wall kẻo quên nhé mem. Clauses of Purpose (MĐ - TopicsExpress


Share về wall kẻo quên nhé mem. Clauses of Purpose (MĐ chỉ mục đích) Clauses of purpose are used to express the purpose of an action; that is, they explain why something is done. They are introduced by the following words/expressions: to, in order to, so that, so as to, in order that, for, etc. (He bought an exercise bike)- (in order to get fit). Main clause purpose clause Purpose is expressed with: • to-infinitive She went to the supermarket to buy some milk. • so as to / in order to + infinitive (formal) He went to Oxford University in order to/so as to obtain a degree in Medicine. • so that + can / may (present or future reference) ill help him so (that) he can finish early. • so that + could / might (past reference) I helped him so (that) he could finish early. The word that can be omitted in spoken English. I left early so I could be there on time. • for + noun (when we want to express the purpose of an action) He went to the dentist for a check-up. • for + -ing form (when we want to express the purpose or function of something) We use a spade for digging. • with a view to + -ing form We are gathered here with a view to reaching a decision. (formal) • with the aim of + -ing form He opened an account with the aim of saving money to buy a car. (formal) • in case + present (present or future reference) / in case + past (past reference) Will / Would are never used with in case. Ill take some sandwiches in case I get hungry. (NOT: In case ill get hungry) I took some water in case I got thirsty. (NOT: In case i would get hungry) Negative Purpose is normally expressed with • so as not / in order not + to-infinitive He left early so as not to miss the train. (NOT: She left early not to mis the train) She put on her raincoat in order not to get wet. (NOT: She put on her raincoat not to get wet.) • so that + wont / cant (present or future reference) Ill pick you up from the station so that you wont need to take a taxi. so that + wouldnt / couldnt (past reference) He got a taxi so that he wouldnt be late. • for fear + might He locked all the windows for fear (that) he might be burgled. for fear of sth / -ing form They didn t walk into the forest for fear of getting lost. • prevent + noun / pronoun + (from) + -ing form He chained the dog up to prevent it (from) running away. • avoid + -ing form Ann got up early to avoid being late for work. • Clauses of purpose follow the rule of the sequence of tenses like clauses of time Ill bring a ball in case they want to playa game. She ran home so that she could watch her favourite programme. -Bí-
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:50:26 +0000

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