***Share your Thoughts*** Will you be the one? 36 When he - TopicsExpress


***Share your Thoughts*** Will you be the one? 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” When Jesus said that the poor will always be among you, it didnt mean that there was not enough to go around. It did not mean that there is a shortage of stuff, and the truth is there will never be. God did not create this world with limits and lack. He saw what he created and said that it was good. Things like not enough or recession is really a perception by an individual or the general public, but not reality. In fact when the news was marketing the negative headlines of impending doom, the downfall of our economy, or recession, people were still making lots of money. Im not saying this to tell you that JESUS will make you RICH, Im sharing this so that you can change your thought process from you cant to you can and from you wont to you will. Today when I read the verse above I read it in a different way. I read it from the perspective as it was Jesus who was saying yes, but JESUS (the author and finisher of life) was speaking it. In the context of the chapter where I took these verses from, Jesus was healing some folks and people with issues kept coming. He kept encountering crowds upon crowds of people with many needs. So much so that the writer says that he had compassion because they were harassed and helpless. Many of us (including myself) have connected this verse with the notion that the harvest is souls that need to be saved, but in essence when he was speaking no one was converting to Christianity. That did not start until he (Jesus) was resurrected. So what was he talking about? This is my take. Jesus came to fill every void known to the soul/spirit of man. He came so that they that drank from his water would never thirst again. He came so that we would have life and life in abundance. He prayed that we would prosper as our soul prospered. He came not to condemn, judge or abolish the law but to be its fulfillment once and for all. The fulfillment of the law that gives us permanent access to the covenant through grace until his coming. With that being said, this is what I believe... When Jesus was attending the needs of the crowd from town to town and performing miracles, not only spiritual or physical but emotional, mental and even financial (not all were recorded). He was doing and training his disciples at the same time. In the instance of this text, I imagine the overwhelming feeling of the disciples over and over of all the needs, that Jesus begins to explain that all needs can be met, there just needs to be people to meet them. It is Gods will that everyone would be provided for, it is just not accessible to everybody, and Im not speaking about preference, Im speaking about reference. God is no respecter of persons, it doesnt matter who you are... it just matters whos you are. So let me paraphrase the verses the way I read it in this perspective. 36 When he saw the communities, he had compassion on them, because they were oppressed by their poverty and lack of education, like a family without a father, a people without a leader. 37 Then he said to his leaders, “There is provision and abundance but the lack of people who have knowledge to obtain it through faith. 38 Ask the God of the Provision, today, to raise up a people who will be the ones to answer the call.” There is abundance, provision, and wealth not for just one to get rich but for one to use that ability to meet the needs of the crowd (community) as Jesus did, and later the disciples. I encourage you today to believe that you dont have to be in lack but instead God wants to meet your needs and also provide for others through you. Let your faith in him grow today. Be encouraged, have faith, & give to those who need. #metamorphosis2014 #livingisgiving #lovealifemovement #sharethelove&lovealife
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:45:38 +0000

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