#ShareIfYouAreBlessed! FRI 28/11/2014 DON’T WALK - TopicsExpress


#ShareIfYouAreBlessed! FRI 28/11/2014 DON’T WALK AWAY Psm1:1-2; Prov24:10 Walking away is not the next step when the unexpected result is coming your way. Everyone experiences challenges at some junctures in life but walking away shows you are a man of little strength and gives the enemy upper hand over you. If you faint in the days of adversity, you are a man of little strength. Challenges come your ways to bring out the hidden potentials in you. You will never realize some abilities and grace that you carry except when some turmoil comes. You are to ride on storm to a safe landing. You don’t need to throw in the trowel because there is nothing happening to you that is not common. Some have passed through it and eventually came out victorious at the other side. Study their lives and do what they did and since God is a respecter of no man, He will stand by you until your victory is ascertained. Remember the devil never wins as long as we keep fighting. Many still say they are not walking away; they say they are very much around but their actions show they are miles away. Below are some signs that a man is walking away. -Walking: The people involved in the daily activities of your life will tell if you are walking firm or walking away from divine attention. Who are the people you walk with? -Standing: Who are you standing with? Do you have companion that can fortify your environment against the wiles of the enemies? Are you standing upon the solid rock or upon the sinking sand? -Sitting: Where are you sitting? Among gossips, slanders, busybody, backbiters. Whenever you sit with aggrieved people, you gradually buy their thought and the silent carnal desire is encouraged to completely walk away physically. Never sit to discuss your life with those who will encourage your carnality and reduce your spiritual substance. -Talking: What are you saying? Positive or negative words? What you are passing through must not dictate your utterances. Your predicament will pass by in the process of time but the words you have spoken either positively or negatively will be invested into your future. -Dressing: Does your dressing depict you as a child of God or a Jezebel? The way you dress is the way you will be addressed. -Thinking: What are you thinking in your heart? You are a product of your thoughts because as a man thinks, so he is. When your meditation doesn’t please God, then you have derailed and you must retrace your steps or else you will walk away PRAYER POINT: - Lord, no matter the temptation of the devil, I refused to walk away. BIBLE READING PLAN: 2Kings19:1-37; Isaiah18:1-7 dailymercycapsule/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39:don-t-walk-away-psm1-1-2-prov24-10&catid=2:uncategorised&Itemid=101
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:34:53 +0000

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