Shared by DLC 790 President Thomas Perine Subject: Support for - TopicsExpress


Shared by DLC 790 President Thomas Perine Subject: Support for Tentative Agreement Now that we have a details of the Tentative Agreement (TA) I know there is a lot of talk about the wage increases. Let me first say that as an elected officer and Job Steward in this union I support this tentative agreement and I will be urging members to vote in favor of it. People are entitled to their own opinions but please remember if you are speaking out against a tentative agreement signed by our bargaining teams and supported by our union you should be clear to whomever you are talking that you are speaking for yourself and not as a Job Steward. Those who seek to weaken us will spin this to try and hurt our union so please don’t fall into that trap. Want to bet that those who complain the most are ones who are non-germane, never attend union meetings, did not complete a bargaining survey and did not attend the June 5th Rally? We all wanted more financially but it took our members marching on the Capitol to get the log jam of a “cost neutral” contract cleared. There are a lot of other major gains in this TA. We will now have language in the contract about bullying. We will now be able to grieve violations of the Dignity Clause (5.11) outside of departments. That is especially significant considering that the State wanted to remove the Dignity Clause altogether. There are a host of other changes that will help me as a Job Steward to help the members we represent. Let’s concentrate on the good. And as far as I am concerned, as this economy recovered from the Wall Street greed and meltdown, I am happy to no longer have a 4.5% furlough cut; I am looking forward to my 3% raise on July 1, 2013; and I will gladly accept a total of a 4.5% raise by July 1, 2015. Upon ratification we will have a MOU with no takeaways and lots of gains. Thomas Lee Perine, Job Steward & President DLC 790 SEIU Local 1000 “I’m All In for a Fair Contract that includes wage increases after years of sacrifices by State Employee families.”
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 04:33:23 +0000

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