Shared by a fellow Facebooker: Assalamualikum my dear brothers - TopicsExpress


Shared by a fellow Facebooker: Assalamualikum my dear brothers and sisters. I am a teenage girl, born from a Muslim family in the country of Bangladesh. This is my story how I slowly transformed from the modified Muslim to Alhamdulillah, a striving Muslim. Ever since the age of eight, Ive prayed my Salah five times a day and tried my best to follow the Sunnah way. Due to the modern times, anything modern would seem okay to do. Things like television and music were almost unavoidable. Though I never had an actual TV in my own home, I wouldnt dare to miss movies and serials when visiting a relatives house. Before I knew it, a mobile phone had been gifted to me, and without further ado, there were abundant songs in it. Now like most schools, the school I went to had both boys and girls. Interacting with the opposite gender was something normal, be it for school projects or even a discussion of last nights cricket match . As for my clothing, nothing I wore could be called obscene, but completely modest wouldnt be the word for it either. For most days, there were some jeans here, a couple of short-sleeve T-shirts there. And I made sure to keep aside my colorful selwar-Kameez, paired with glittery makeup and jewelry for those festive days. But this way of life wasnt satisfying me. I needed guidance desperately, Allahs guidance. Life was fun, but my soul felt lonely. I always prayed for Allah to guide me, to show me the path to Paradise. Then, the time came for me to take my final exams for grade eight. After that, I decided to take a break from my busy school life. I needed to find myself; I needed the inner peace I was desperately lacking. I began to read the Quran and its meaning/translation, which I always had, but never in search of the deeper meanings. Slowly I realised the reason why we were created. How the world is temporary and that our only goal is to seek our Sustainors Pleasure. Im learning new things everyday. I learned about the wrath of Allah and now I cry day and night for Allah to forgive me and my past deeds. Will He forgive me? In Shaa Allah He will! He has promised to bestow His Mercy on those who truly repent and strive to follow the right path steadfastly. I have deleted all my songs, and stopped watching TV also. Anything that lures me to sin like dazzle, makeup, gossip, etc, I try my best to avoid. I continue to pray for more guidance, for myself and for my family and friends. The one important thing I learned throughout my journey is that one must want to be guided! After that, Allah will do the rest ! Thanks for reading my story and may Allah guide us along the right path and make us firm in our Imaan.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:03:07 +0000

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